Black and white Photo of Author Sherwood Anderson (1876 - 1941)

Sherwood Anderson

1941 (aged 65)

Sherwood Anderson

Sherwood Anderson was an author who primarily wrote in .

Sherwood Anderson (1876–1941) was an American novelist and short story writer known for his modernist works. “Winesburg, Ohio” stands as one of his most celebrated creations, reflecting the struggles and complexities of small-town life in the United States.

Short Stories written by Sherwood Anderson

  • An Apology for Crudity - Short Story An Apology for Crudity 1904 - For a long time I have believed that crudity is an inevitable quality in the production of a really significant… ... Read more
  • An Awakening - Short Story An Awakening 1919 - Belle Carpenter had a dark skin, grey eyes and thick lips. She was tall and strong. When black thoughts visited… ... Read more
  • Brothers - Short Story Brothers 1904 - I am at my house in the country and it is late October. It rains. Back of my house is… ... Read more
  • Hands - Short Story Hands 1919 - HANDS, Concerning Wing Biddlebaum UPON THE HALF decayed veranda of a small frame house that stood near the edge of… ... Read more
  • I Want to Know Why - Short Story I Want to Know Why 1904 - We got up at four in the morning, that first day in the east. On the evening before we had… ... Read more
  • I'm A Fool - Short Story I’m A Fool 1922 - It was a hard jolt for me, one of the most bitterest I ever had to face. And it all… ... Read more
  • Motherhood - Short Story Motherhood 1904 - Below the hill there was a swamp in which cattails grew. The wind rustled the dry leaves of a walnut… ... Read more
  • Seeds - Short Story Seeds 1904 - He was a small man with a beard and was very nervous. I remember how the cords of his neck… ... Read more
  • Senility - Short Story Senility 1904 - He was an old man and he sat on the steps of the railroad station in a small Kentucky town.… ... Read more
  • The Door of the Trap - Short Story The Door of the Trap 1904 - Winifred Walker understood some things clearly enough. She understood that when a man is put behind iron bars he is… ... Read more
  • The Dumb Man - Short Story The Dumb Man 1904 - There is a story -- I cannot tell it -- I have no words. The story is almost forgotten but… ... Read more
  • The Egg - Short Story The Egg 1904 - My father was, I am sure, intended by nature to be a cheerful, kindly man. Until he was thirty-four years… ... Read more
  • The Man in the Brown Coat - Short Story The Man in the Brown Coat 1904 - Napoleon went down into a battle riding on a horse. Alexander went down into a battle riding on a horse.… ... Read more
  • The Man With The Trumpet - Short Story The Man With The Trumpet 1904 - I stated it as definitely as I could. I was in a room with them. They had tongues like me,… ... Read more
  • The New Englander - Short Story The New Englander 1904 - Her name was Elsie Leander and her girlhood was spent on her father's farm in Vermont. For several generations the… ... Read more
  • The Other Woman - Short Story The Other Woman 1904 - "I am in love with my wife," he said--a superfluous remark, as I had not questioned his attachment to the… ... Read more
  • Unlighted Lamps - Short Story Unlighted Lamps 1904 - Mary Cochran went out of the rooms where she lived with her father, Doctor Lester Cochran, at seven o'clock on… ... Read more
  • War - Short Story War 1904 - The story came to me from a woman met on a train. The car was crowded and I took the… ... Read more