Black and white Photo of Author Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894)

Robert Louis Stevenson

1894 (aged 44)
Genre ,

Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson was a author who primarily wrote in .

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894) was a Scottish novelist and poet, famous for works such as “Treasure Island” and “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”

Short Stories written by Robert Louis Stevenson

  • A Christmas Sermon - Short Story A Christmas Sermon 1900 - By the time this paper appears, I shall have been talking for twelve months;[1] and it is thought I should… ... Read more
  • A Lodging for the Night - Short Story A Lodging for the Night 1867 - It was late in November 1456. The snow fell over Paris with rigorous, relentless persistence; sometimes the wind made a… ... Read more
  • Fables - Short Story Fables 1867 - I. - THE PERSONS OF THE TALE. AFTER the 32nd chapter of TREASURE ISLAND, two of the puppets strolled out… ... Read more
  • Markheim - Short Story Markheim 1867 - "Yes," said the dealer, "our windfalls are of various kinds. Some customers are ignorant, and then I touch a dividend… ... Read more
  • Olalla - Short Story Olalla 1867 - 'Now,' said the doctor, 'my part is done, and, I may say, with some vanity, well done. It remains only… ... Read more
  • The Body Snatcher - Short Story The Body Snatcher 1884 - Every night in the year, four of us sat in the small parlour of the George at Debenham--the undertaker, and… ... Read more
  • The Bottle Imp - Short Story The Bottle Imp 1867 - There was a man of the Island of Hawaii, whom I shall call Keawe; for the truth is, he still… ... Read more
  • The Clockmaker - Short Story The Clockmaker 1867 - THE CARAFFE stood on a table in the midst of the room. For near a week no one had passed… ... Read more
  • The Scientific Ape - Short Story The Scientific Ape 1867 - IN A CERTAIN West Indian Isle, there stood a house and hard by a grove of trees. In the house… ... Read more
  • The Sea Fogs - Short Story The Sea Fogs 1867 - A sheeted spectre white and tall, The cold mist climbs the castle wall And lays its hand upon thy cheek.… ... Read more
  • The Sire de Maletroit's Door - Short Story The Sire de Maletroit’s Door 1867 - Denis de Beaulieu was not yet two-and-twenty, but he counted himself a grown man, and a very accomplished cavalier into… ... Read more
  • The Waif Woman - Short Story The Waif Woman 1867 - (1916) This unpublished story, preserved among Mrs. Stevenson's papers, is mentioned by Mr. Balfour in his life of Stevenson. Writing… ... Read more
  • Thrawn Janet - Short Story Thrawn Janet 1867 - The Reverend Murdoch Soulis was long minister of the moorland parish of Balweary, in the vale of Dule. A severe,… ... Read more