Black and white Photo of Author Richard Connell (1893 - 1949)

Richard Connell

1949 (aged 56)

Richard Connell

Richard Connell was an author who primarily wrote in .

Richard Connell (1893–1949) was an American author and journalist known for his short stories and novels. He is best known for his classic short story “The Most Dangerous Game,” a suspenseful tale of survival and hunting. His works often explored themes of adventure and human nature.

Short Stories written by Richard Connell

  • Gretna Greenhorns - Short Story Gretna Greenhorns 1916 - §1 The brown eyes of Chester Arthur Jessup, Jr., were fixed on the maroon banner of the Clintonia High School… ... Read more
  • Honor Among Sportsmen - Short Story Honor Among Sportsmen 1916 - Each with his favorite hunting pig on a stout string, a band of the leading citizens of Montpont moved in… ... Read more
  • Mr. Braddy's Bottle - Short Story Mr. Braddy’s Bottle 1916 - §1 "This," said Mr. William Lum solemnly, "is the very las' bottle of this stuff in these United States!" It… ... Read more
  • Mr. Pottle And Culture - Short Story Mr. Pottle And Culture 1916 - Out of the bathtub, rubicund and rotund, stepped Mr. Ambrose Pottle. He anointed his hair with sweet spirits of lilac… ... Read more
  • Mr. Pottle And Pageantry - Short Story Mr. Pottle And Pageantry 1916 - §1 "He wouldn't give a cent," announced Mrs. Pottle, blotting up the nucleus of a tear on her cheek with… ... Read more
  • Mr. Pottle And The One Man Dog - Short Story Mr. Pottle And The One Man Dog 1916 - "Ambrose! Ambrose dear!" The new Mrs. Pottle put down the book she was reading--Volume Dec to Erd of the encyclopedia.… ... Read more
  • Mr. Pottle And The South-Sea Cannibals - Short Story Mr. Pottle And The South-Sea Cannibals 1916 - §1 Mr. Pottle was a barber, but also a man of imagination, and as his hands went through their accustomed… ... Read more
  • Terrible Epps - Short Story Terrible Epps 1916 - §1 The blue prints and specifications in the case of Tidbury Epps follow: Age: the early thirties. Status: bachelor. Habitat:… ... Read more
  • The $25 The $25,000 Jaw 1916 - "Rather thirsty this morning, eh, Mr. Addicks?" inquired Cowdin, the chief purchasing agent. The "Mister" was said with a long,… ... Read more
  • The Cage Man - Short Story The Cage Man 1916 - All day long they kept Horace Nimms in a steel-barred cage. For twenty-one years he had perched on a tall… ... Read more
  • The Most Dangerous Game - Short Story The Most Dangerous Game 1916 - "OFF THERE to the right--somewhere--is a large island," said Whitney." It's rather a mystery--""What island is it?" Rainsford asked."The old… ... Read more
  • The Sin Of Monsieur Pettipon - Short Story The Sin Of Monsieur Pettipon 1916 - Moistening the tip of his immaculate handkerchief, M. Alphonse Marie Louis Camille Pettipon deftly and daintily rubbed an almost imperceptible… ... Read more
  • Where Is The Tropic Of Capricorn?? - Short Story Where Is The Tropic Of Capricorn?? 1916 - "One, two, three, bend! One, two, three, bend!" So barked the physical instructor, a bulgy man with muscles popping out… ... Read more