Black and white Photo of Author Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (1809 - 1852)

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

1852 (aged 43)
Genre ,

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was a author who primarily wrote in .

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (1809–1852) was a Russian dramatist, novelist, and short-story writer known for his satirical and darkly humorous works. His classic novel “Dead Souls” and stories such as “The Overcoat” and “The Nose” showcased his unique blend of absurdity, social commentary, and surrealism. Gogol is considered one of Russia’s literary greats.

Short Stories written by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

  • A May Evening - Short Story A May Evening 1826 - THERE were sounds of merriment in the village, and a chorus of song murmured, stream-like, through its single street. It… ... Read more
  • Memoirs of a Madman - Short Story Memoirs of a Madman 1826 - October 3rd.—A strange occurrence has taken place to-day. I got up fairly late, and when Mawra brought me my clean… ... Read more
  • Old-Fashioned Farmers - Short Story Old-Fashioned Farmers 1826 - I am very fond of the modest life of those isolated owners of distant villages, which are usually called “old-fashioned”… ... Read more
  • St. John's Eve - Short Story St. John’s Eve 1826 - A STORY TOLD BY THE SACRISTAN OF THE DIKANKA CHURCH Thoma Grigroovitch had one very strange eccentricity: to the day… ... Read more
  • The Calash - Short Story The Calash 1826 - The town of B-- had become very lively since a cavalry regiment had taken up its quarters in it. Up… ... Read more
  • The Cloak - Short Story The Cloak 1826 - In the department of--but it is better not to mention the department. There is nothing more irritable than departments, regiments,… ... Read more
  • The Mantle - Short Story The Mantle 1826 - In a certain Russian ministerial department—— But it is perhaps better that I do not mention which department it was.… ... Read more
  • The Mysterious Portrait - Short Story The Mysterious Portrait 1826 - PART I Nowhere did so many people pause as before the little picture-shop in the Shtchukinui Dvor. This little shop… ... Read more
  • The Nose - Short Story The Nose 1826 - I On the 25th March, 18—, a very strange occurrence took place in St Petersburg. On the Ascension Avenue there… ... Read more
  • The Overcoat - Short Story The Overcoat 1842 - In the department of -- but it is better not to mention the department. There is nothing more irritable than… ... Read more
  • The Viy - Short Story The Viy 1826 - (The “Viy” is a monstrous creation of popular fancy. It is the name which the inhabitants of Little Russia give… ... Read more