Black and white Photo of Author Maxim Gorky (1868 - 1936)

Maxim Gorky

1936 (aged 68)
Genre ,

Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky was a author who primarily wrote in .

Maxim Gorky (1868–1936) was a Russian and Soviet writer, playwright, and political activist. He is known for his realistic and socially critical works, including “The Lower Depths” and “Mother.” Gorky’s writings often depicted the struggles of the working class and contributed to the development of socialist realism in Soviet literature.

Short Stories written by Maxim Gorky

  • A Woman - Short Story A Woman 1897 - The wind is scudding over the steppe, and beating upon the rampart of the Caucasian heights until their backbone seems… ... Read more
  • Chums - Short Story Chums 1902 - I. One of them was called Jig-Leg, and the other Hopeful, and they were thieves by profession. They lived on… ... Read more
  • Gubin - Short Story Gubin 1897 - The place where I first saw him was a tavern wherein, ensconced in the chimney-corner, and facing a table, he… ... Read more
  • Her Lover - Short Story Her Lover 1897 - An acquaintance of mine once told me the following story. When I was a student at Moscow I happened to… ... Read more
  • In A Mountain Defile - Short Story In A Mountain Defile 1897 - In a mountain defile near a little tributary of the Sunzha, there was being built a workman's barraque-- a low,… ... Read more
  • In the Steppe - Short Story In the Steppe 1897 - We quitted Perekop in the vilest spirits—hungry as wolves and at war with all the world. In the course of… ... Read more
  • Kalinin - Short Story Kalinin 1897 - Whistling from off the sea, the wind was charged with moist, salt spray, and dashing foaming billows ashore with their… ... Read more
  • Malva - Short Story Malva 1897 - The sea laughed. It trembled at the warm and light breath of the wind and became covered with tiny wrinkles… ... Read more
  • Nilushka - Short Story Nilushka 1897 - The timber-built town of Buev, a town which has several times been burnt to the ground, lies huddled upon a… ... Read more
  • On a Raft - Short Story On a Raft 1918 - Heavy clouds drift slowly across the sleepy river and hang every moment lower and thicker. In the distance their ragged… ... Read more
  • On A River Steamer - Short Story On A River Steamer 1897 - The water of the river was smooth, and dull silver of tint. Also, so barely perceptible was the current that… ... Read more
  • One Autumn Night - Short Story One Autumn Night 1897 - Once in the autumn I happened to be in a very unpleasant and inconvenient position. In the town where I… ... Read more
  • Tchelkache - Short Story Tchelkache 1897 - The sky is clouded by the dark smoke rising from the harbor. The ardent sun gazes at the green sea… ... Read more
  • The Affair of the Clasps - Short Story The Affair of the Clasps 1905 - ... Read more
  • The Billionaire - Short Story The Billionaire 1897 - The kings of steel, of petroleum, and all the other kings of the United States have always in a high… ... Read more
  • The Birth of a Man - Short Story The Birth of a Man 1897 - The year was the year '92-- the year of leanness--the scene a spot between Sukhum and Otchenchiri, on the river… ... Read more
  • The Cemetery - Short Story The Cemetery 1897 - In a town of the steppes where I found life exceedingly dull, the best and the brightest spot was the… ... Read more
  • The Dead Man - Short Story The Dead Man 1897 - One evening I was sauntering along a soft, grey, dusty track between two breast-high walls of grain. So narrow was… ... Read more
  • The Ice Breaker - Short Story The Ice Breaker 1897 - On a frozen river near a certain Russian town, a gang of seven carpenters were hastily repairing an icebreaker which… ... Read more
  • The Outcasts - Short Story The Outcasts 1905 - ... Read more
  • Twenty-six Men and a Girl - Short Story Twenty-six Men and a Girl 1899 - ... Read more
  • Waiting for the Ferry - Short Story Waiting for the Ferry 1905 - ... Read more