Black and white Photo of Author George Gissing (1857 - 1903)

George Gissing

1903 (aged 46)
Genre ,

George Gissing

George Gissing was a author who primarily wrote in .

George Gissing (1857–1903) was a British novelist known for his realistic and often grim portrayals of Victorian urban life. His works, including “New Grub Street” and “The Odd Women,” explored themes of poverty, class struggle, and the challenges faced by aspiring writers. Gissing’s writing provided a stark contrast to the romanticized literature of his time.

Short Stories written by George Gissing

  • A Capitalist - Short Story A Capitalist 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). Among the men whom I saw occasionally at the little club… ... Read more
  • A Charming Family - Short Story A Charming Family 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). 'I must be firm,' said Miss Shepperson to herself, as she… ... Read more
  • A Daughter of the Lodge - Short Story A Daughter of the Lodge 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). For a score of years the Rocketts had kept the lodge… ... Read more
  • A Lodger in Maze Pond - Short Story A Lodger in Maze Pond 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). Harvey Munden had settled himself in a corner of the club… ... Read more
  • A Poor Gentleman - Short Story A Poor Gentleman 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). It was in the drawing-room, after dinner. Mrs. Charman, the large… ... Read more
  • Christopherson - Short Story Christopherson 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). It was twenty years ago, and on an evening in May.… ... Read more
  • Fate and the Apothecary - Short Story Fate and the Apothecary 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). 'Farmiloe. Chemist by Examination.' So did the good man proclaim himself… ... Read more
  • Humplebee - Short Story Humplebee 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). The school was assembled for evening prayers, some threescore boys representing… ... Read more
  • Miss Rodney's Leisure - Short Story Miss Rodney’s Leisure 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). A young woman of about eight-and-twenty, in tailor-made costume, with unadorned… ... Read more
  • The House of Cobwebs - Short Story The House of Cobwebs 1906 - ... Read more
  • The Pig and Whistle - Short Story The Pig and Whistle 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). 'I possess a capital of thirty thousand pounds. One-third of this… ... Read more
  • The Prize Lodger - Short Story The Prize Lodger 1875 - Human Odds and Ends: Stories and Sketches (1898) The ordinary West-End Londoner--who is a citizen of no city at all,… ... Read more
  • The Riding-Whip - Short Story The Riding-Whip 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). It was not easy for Mr. Daffy to leave his shop… ... Read more
  • The Salt of the Earth - Short Story The Salt of the Earth 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). Strong and silent the tide of Thames flowed upward, and over… ... Read more
  • The Scrupulous Father - Short Story The Scrupulous Father 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). It was market day in the little town; at one o'clock… ... Read more
  • Topham's Chance - Short Story Topham’s Chance 1875 - From The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories (1906). CHAPTER I On a summer afternoon two surly men sat together… ... Read more