Black and white Photo of Author Ethel M. Dell (1881 - 1939)

Ethel M. Dell

1939 (aged 58)
Genre ,

Ethel M. Dell

Ethel M. Dell was a author who primarily wrote in .

Ethel M. Dell (1881–1939) was a British author known for her romantic novels and stories. Her works, such as “The Way of an Eagle,” were popular in the early 20th century and often featured strong-willed heroines and themes of love and adventure.

Short Stories written by Ethel M. Dell

  • Her Freedom - Short Story Her Freedom 1905 - "We have been requested to announce that the marriage arranged between Viscount Merrivale and Miss Hilary St. Orme will not… ... Read more
  • Her Hero - Short Story Her Hero 1905 - "My dear child, it's absurd to be romantic over such a serious matter as marriage--the greatest mistake, I assure you.… ... Read more
  • The Consolation Prize - Short Story The Consolation Prize 1905 - "So you don't want to marry me?" said Earl Wyverton. He said it by no means bitterly. There was even… ... Read more
  • The Example - Short Story The Example 1905 - "And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men… ... Read more
  • The Friend Who Stood By - Short Story The Friend Who Stood By 1905 - "And you will come back, Jim? Promise! Promise!" "Of course, darling--of course! There! Don't cry! Can't you see it's a… ... Read more
  • The Magic Circle - Short Story The Magic Circle 1905 - The persistent chirping of a sparrow made it almost harder to bear. Lady Brooke finally rose abruptly from the table,… ... Read more
  • The Odds - Short Story The Odds 1905 - "If he comes my way, I'll shoot him!" said Dot Burton, her blue eyes gleaming in her boyish, tanned face.… ... Read more
  • The Right Man - Short Story The Right Man 1905 - I "He hasn't proposed, then?" "No; he hasn't." A pause; then, reluctantly: "I haven't given him the opportunity." "Violet! Do… ... Read more
  • The Second Fiddle - Short Story The Second Fiddle 1905 - A low whistle floated through the slumbrous silence and died softly away among the sand-dunes. The man who sat in… ... Read more
  • The Swindler - Short Story The Swindler 1905 - "When you come to reflect that there are only a few planks between you and the bottom of the Atlantic… ... Read more
  • Those Who Wait - Short Story Those Who Wait 1905 - A faint draught from the hills found its way through the wide-flung door as the sun went down. It fluttered… ... Read more
  • Where the Heart Is - Short Story Where the Heart Is 1905 - "Of course, I know that a quiet, well-meanin' fool like myself hasn't much of a chance with women, but I… ... Read more