Black and white Photo of Author Aleksandr I. Kuprin (1870 - 1938)

Aleksandr I. Kuprin

1938 (aged 68)
Genre ,

Aleksandr I. Kuprin

Aleksandr I. Kuprin was a author who primarily wrote in .

Aleksandr I. Kuprin was a Russian writer renowned for his realistic and psychological fiction. He was born on September 7, 1870, in Narovchat, Russia. Kuprin’s writing style is often associated with Russian Realism, and he explored themes of human psychology and social issues. He wrote primarily in Russian.

Short Stories written by Aleksandr I. Kuprin

  • A Clump of Lilacs - Short Story A Clump of Lilacs 1916 - Nikolai Yevgrafovitch Almazof hardly waited for his wife to open the door to him; he went straight to his study… ... Read more
  • A Slav Soul - Short Story A Slav Soul 1916 - The farther I go back in my memory of the past, and the nearer I get to remembering incidents connected… ... Read more
  • Anathema - Short Story Anathema 1916 - "Father Deacon, you're wasting the candles," said the deacon's wife. "It's time to get up." This small, thin, yellow-faced woman… ... Read more
  • Cain - Short Story Cain 1916 - The company of soldiers commanded by Captain Markof had come to take part in a punitive expedition. Tired, irritable, weary… ... Read more
  • Dogs' Happiness - Short Story Dogs’ Happiness 1916 - It was between six and seven o'clock on a fine September morning when the eighteen-months-old pointer, Jack, a brown, long-eared,… ... Read more
  • Easter Day - Short Story Easter Day 1916 - On his way from Petersburg to the Crimea Colonel Voznitsin purposely broke his journey at Moscow, where his childhood and… ... Read more
  • Hamlet - Short Story Hamlet 1916 - I "HAMLET" was being played. All tickets had been sold out before the morning of the performance. The play was… ... Read more
  • Mechanical Justice - Short Story Mechanical Justice 1916 - The large hall of the principal club of one of our provincial towns was packed with people. Every box, every… ... Read more
  • Tempting Providence - Short Story Tempting Providence 1916 - You're always saying "accident, accident...." That's just the point. What I want to say is that on every merest accident… ... Read more
  • The Elephant - Short Story The Elephant 1916 - I The little girl was unwell. Every day the doctor came to see her, Dr. Michael Petrovitch, whom she had… ... Read more
  • The Idiot - Short Story The Idiot 1916 - We were seated in a little park, driven there by the unbearable heat of the noonday sun. It was much… ... Read more
  • The Last Word - Short Story The Last Word 1916 - Yes, gentlemen, I killed him! In vain do you try to obtain for me a medical certificate of temporary aberration.… ... Read more
  • The Outrage - A True Story - Short Story The Outrage – A True Story 1917 - It was five o'clock on a July afternoon. The heat was terrible. The whole of the huge stone-built town breathed… ... Read more
  • The Picture - Short Story The Picture 1916 - I One evening, at the house of a well-known literary man, after supper, there arose among the company an unusually… ... Read more
  • The River of Life - Short Story The River of Life 1916 - I The landlady’s room in the ‘Serbia.’ Yellow wallpaper; two windows with dirty muslin curtains; between them an oval squinting… ... Read more
  • The Song and the Dance - Short Story The Song and the Dance 1916 - We lived at that time in the Government of Riazan, some 120 versts from the nearest railway station and even… ... Read more
  • The White Poodle - Short Story The White Poodle 1916 - I By narrow mountain paths, from one villa to another, a small wandering troupe made their way along the southern… ... Read more