Black and white Photo of Author Zona Gale (1874 - 1938)

Zona Gale

1938 (aged 64)
Genre ,

Zona Gale

Zona Gale was an author who primarily wrote in .

Zona Gale (1874–1938) was an American novelist and playwright known for her works exploring small-town life and social issues. She was the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for her play “Miss Lulu Bett.” Gale’s writings often depicted the challenges and aspirations of women in the early 20th century.

Short Stories written by Zona Gale

  • Friday - Short Story Friday 1914 - HEMPEL had watched the hands of the clock make all the motions of the hour, from the trim segment of… ... Read more
  • Success and Artie Cherry - Short Story Success and Artie Cherry 1919 - ARTIE CHERRY'S home," they told one another. "Artie Cherry! Seen him?" He appeared on the village main street early that… ... Read more
  • The Dance - Short Story The Dance 1905 - AFTER breakfast one morning Peleas and I were standing at the drawing-room window watching a snowstorm. It was an unassuming… ... Read more
  • The Way the World Is - Short Story The Way the World Is 1909 - THE New Lady's house was marked by a row of poplars outside the fence, as if the very road changed… ... Read more
  • White Bread - Short Story White Bread 1916 - EVERY one in the room had promised something. Mis' Tyrus Burns offered her receipt for filled cookies. "My filled cookie… ... Read more