Black and white Photo of Author Zane Grey (1872 - 1939)

Zane Grey

1939 (aged 67)
Genre ,

Zane Grey

Zane Grey was an author who primarily wrote in .

Zane Grey (1872–1939) was an American author known for his Western novels and adventure stories. His works, including “Riders of the Purple Sage” and “The Lone Star Ranger,” epitomized the Western genre and captured the spirit of the American frontier. Grey’s storytelling helped shape the popular image of the American West.

Short Stories written by Zane Grey

  • Breaking into Fast Company - Short Story Breaking into Fast Company 1901 - They may say baseball is the same in the minor leagues that it is in the big leagues, but any… ... Read more
  • False Colors - Short Story False Colors 1901 - ``Fate has decreed more bad luck for Salisbury in Saturday's game with Bellville. It has leaked out that our rivals… ... Read more
  • Old Well-Well - Short Story Old Well-Well 1910 - He bought a ticket at the 25-cent window, and edging his huge bulk through the turnstile, laboriously followed the noisy… ... Read more
  • The Knocker - Short Story The Knocker 1901 - ``Yes, Carroll, I got my notice. Maybe it's no surprise to you. And there's one more thing I want to… ... Read more
  • The Manager of Madden's Hill - Short Story The Manager of Madden’s Hill 1901 - Willie Howarth loved baseball. He loved it all the more because he was a cripple. The game was more beautiful… ... Read more
  • The Redheaded Outfield - Short Story The Redheaded Outfield 1915 - There was Delaney's red-haired trio--Red Gilbat, left fielder; Reddy Clammer, right fielder, and Reddie Ray, center fielder, composing the most… ... Read more
  • The Rube - Short Story The Rube 1901 - It was the most critical time I had yet experienced in my career as a baseball manager. And there was… ... Read more
  • The Rube's Honeymoon - Short Story The Rube’s Honeymoon 1901 - ``He's got a new manager. Watch him pitch now!'' That was what Nan Brown said to me about Rube Hurtle,… ... Read more
  • The Rube's Pennant - Short Story The Rube’s Pennant 1901 - ``Fellows, it's this way. You've got to win today's game. It's the last of the season and means the pennant… ... Read more
  • The Rube's Waterloo - Short Story The Rube’s Waterloo 1901 - It was about the sixth inning that I suspected the Rube of weakening. For that matter he had not pitched… ... Read more
  • The Winning Ball - Short Story The Winning Ball 1901 - One day in July our Rochester club, leader in the Eastern League, had returned to the hotel after winning a… ... Read more