Black and white Photo of Author Washington Irving (1783 - 1859)

Washington Irving

1859 (aged 76)
Genre ,

Washington Irving

Washington Irving was an author who primarily wrote in .

Washington Irving (1783–1859) was an American author known for his short stories and essays. He is best known for “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip Van Winkle.” Irving played a significant role in American literature and is considered one of the first American authors to gain international acclaim.

Short Stories written by Washington Irving

  • A Legend of Communipaw - Short Story A Legend of Communipaw 1816 - TO THE EDITOR OF THE KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE. Sir, I observed in your last month's periodical, a communication from a Mr.… ... Read more
  • Christmas - Short Story Christmas 1896 - A man might then behold At Christmas, in each hall Good fires to curb the cold, And meat for great… ... Read more
  • Communipaw - Short Story Communipaw 1816 - TO THE EDITOR OF THE KNICKERBOCKER. Sir, I observe, with pleasure, that you are performing from time to time a… ... Read more
  • Conspiracy of the Cocked Hats - Short Story Conspiracy of the Cocked Hats 1816 - TO THE EDITOR OF THE KNICKERBOCKER. Sir, I have read with great satisfaction the valuable paper of your correspondent, Mr.… ... Read more
  • Desultory Thoughts on Criticism - Short Story Desultory Thoughts on Criticism 1816 - "Let a man write never so well, there are now-a-days a sort of persons they call critics, that, egad, have… ... Read more
  • Little Britain - Short Story Little Britain 1816 - IN the centre of the great city of London lies a small neighborhood, consisting of a cluster of narrow streets… ... Read more
  • National Nomenclature - Short Story National Nomenclature 1816 - TO THE EDITOR OF THE KNICKERBOCKER. Sir, I am somewhat of the same way of thinking, in regard to names,… ... Read more
  • Pelayo and the Merchant's Daughter - Short Story Pelayo and the Merchant’s Daughter 1816 - BY THE AUTHOR OF THE SKETCH-BOOK. It is the common lamentation of Spanish historiographers, that, for an obscure and melancholy… ... Read more
  • Recollections of The Alhambra - Short Story Recollections of The Alhambra 1816 - BY THE AUTHOR OF THE SKETCH-BOOK. During a summer's residence in the old Moorish palace of the Alhambra, of which… ... Read more
  • Rip Van Winkle - Short Story Rip Van Winkle 1819 - A POSTHUMOUS WRITING OF DIEDRICH KNICKERBOCKER By Woden, God of Saxons, From whence comes Wensday, that is Wodensday, Truth is… ... Read more
  • Spanish Romance - Short Story Spanish Romance 1816 - TO THE EDITOR OF THE KNICKERBOCKER. Sir, I have already given you a legend or two drawn from ancient Spanish… ... Read more
  • The Abencerrage - Short Story The Abencerrage 1816 - A SPANISH TALE. BY GEOFFREY CRAYON. On the summit of a craggy hill, a spur of the mountains of Ronda,… ... Read more
  • The Adelantado of the Seven Cities - Short Story The Adelantado of the Seven Cities 1816 - A LEGEND OF ST. BRANDAN. In the early part of the fifteenth century, when Prince Henry of Portugal, of worthy… ... Read more
  • The Bermudas - Short Story The Bermudas 1816 - A SHAKSPERIAN RESEARCH: BY THE AUTHOR OF THE SKETCHBOOK. "Who did not think, till within these foure yeares, but that… ... Read more
  • The Birds of Spring - Short Story The Birds of Spring 1816 - BY GEOFFREY CRAYON, GENT. My quiet residence in the country, aloof from fashion, politics, and the money market, leaves me… ... Read more
  • The Count van Horn - Short Story The Count van Horn 1816 - During the minority of Louis XV., while the Duke of Orleans was Regent of France, a young Flemish nobleman, the… ... Read more
  • The Devil and Tom Walker - Short Story The Devil and Tom Walker 1816 - A few miles from Boston, in Massachusetts, there is a deep inlet winding several miles into the interior of the… ... Read more
  • The Enchanted Island - Short Story The Enchanted Island 1816 - BY THE AUTHOR OF THE SKETCH-BOOK. Break, Phantsie, from thy cave of cloud, And wave thy purple wings, Now all… ... Read more
  • The Knight of Malta - Short Story The Knight of Malta 1816 - TO THE EDITOR OF THE KNICKERBOCKER SIR, In the course of a tour which I made in Sicily, in the… ... Read more
  • The Legend of Don Munio Sancho de Hinojosa - Short Story The Legend of Don Munio Sancho de Hinojosa 1816 - BY THE AUTHOR OF THE SKETCH-BOOK. In the cloisters of the ancient Benedictine convent of San Domingo, at Silos, in… ... Read more
  • The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Short Story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 1820 - Found among the papers of the late Diedrech Knickerbocker.A pleasing land of drowsy head it was, Of dreams that wave… ... Read more
  • The Legend of the Engulphed Convent - Short Story The Legend of the Engulphed Convent 1816 - BY GEOFFREY CRAYON, GENT. At the dark and melancholy period when Don Roderick the Goth and his chivalry were overthrown… ... Read more
  • The Stout Gentleman - Short Story The Stout Gentleman 1909 - A TALE OF MYSTERY “I’ll cross it, though it blast me!” —Hamlet. IT was a rainy Sunday, in the gloomy… ... Read more
  • Wouter Van Twiller - Short Story Wouter Van Twiller 1816 - It was in the year of our Lord 1629 that Mynheer Wouter Van Twiller was appointed Governor of the province… ... Read more