Black and white Photo of Author Walter McRoberts (1860 - 1915)

Walter McRoberts

1915 (aged 55)
Genre ,

Walter McRoberts

Walter McRoberts was an author who primarily wrote in .

Walter McRoberts was an American author known for his adventure novels and stories for young readers. His works, including “The Riddle of the Spinning Wheel” and “The Cave of Death,” featured daring young protagonists and thrilling escapades, entertaining readers with tales of suspense and courage. McRoberts’ stories were popular during his era.

Short Stories written by Walter McRoberts

  • A Dangerous Cargo - Short Story A Dangerous Cargo 1895 - The south-east trades of the Pacific usually carry the north bound vessel well across the Line. But they had been… ... Read more
  • Bringing in a Derelict - Short Story Bringing in a Derelict 1895 - The West India hurricane of August, 1893, was one of unusual severity, and caused great havoc among shipping on the… ... Read more
  • Crossing the Line - Short Story Crossing the Line 1895 - After two weeks of tribulation, the barkentine Mohawk was through the Atlantic Doldrums. The hot, murky atmosphere, and the low-hanging… ... Read more
  • Missing - Short Story Missing 1895 - The trades of the Indian Ocean usually blow with great regularity except at the semi-annual change of the monsoons, and… ... Read more
  • My Brazilian Adventure - Short Story My Brazilian Adventure 1895 - Alice and I were seated at the breakfast-table in our rambling old house on the outskirts of the French quarter… ... Read more
  • Rounding Cape Horn - Short Story Rounding Cape Horn 1895 - Chapter I The full-rigged American ship Sagamore was now sixty-seven days out from New York bound for San Francisco, and… ... Read more
  • Thanksgiving on the Dicky Bird - Short Story Thanksgiving on the Dicky Bird 1895 - Many years ago I was mate of the little schooner Dicky Bird. She traded mostly between the West Indies and… ... Read more
  • The Life-Savers - Short Story The Life-Savers 1895 - The hands of the clock in the life-saving station pointed to a quarter of nine, on a wild March night… ... Read more
  • The Monomaniac - Short Story The Monomaniac 1895 - The homeward passage from New Zealand is made via Cape Horn, and as westerly winds prevail all over the South… ... Read more