Black and white Photo of Author W.C. Morrow (1854 - 1923)

W.C. Morrow

1923 (aged 69)
Genre ,

W.C. Morrow

W.C. Morrow was an author who primarily wrote in .

W.C. Morrow (William Chambers Morrow, 1854–1923) was an American author known for his supernatural and weird fiction. His stories, including “The Ape, the Idiot, and Other People” and “Over an Absinthe Bottle,” often delved into themes of the macabre and the mysterious. Morrow’s imaginative tales intrigued readers of the late 19th century.

Short Stories written by W.C. Morrow

  • A Game Of Honor - Short Story A Game Of Honor 1884 - Four of the five men who sat around the card-table in the cabin of the "Merry Witch" regarded the fifth… ... Read more
  • A Story Told By The Sea - Short Story A Story Told By The Sea 1884 - One night, when the storm had come up from the south, apparently for the sole purpose of renewing war with… ... Read more
  • An Original Revenge - Short Story An Original Revenge 1884 - On a certain day I received a letter from a private soldier, named Gratmar, attached to the garrison of San… ... Read more
  • An Uncommon View Of It - Short Story An Uncommon View Of It 1884 - Mr. Clarke Randolph was stupefied by a discovery which he had just made--his wife had proved unfaithful, and the betrayer… ... Read more
  • His Unconquerable Enemy - Short Story His Unconquerable Enemy 1884 - I was summoned from Calcutta to the heart of India to perform a difficult surgical operation on one of the… ... Read more
  • Over An Absinthe Bottle - Short Story Over An Absinthe Bottle 1884 - Arthur Kimberlin, a young man of very high spirit, found himself a total stranger in San Francisco one rainy evening,… ... Read more
  • The Faithful Amulet - Short Story The Faithful Amulet 1884 - A quaint old rogue, who called himself Rabaya, the Mystic, was one of the many extraordinary characters of that odd… ... Read more
  • The Hero Of The Plague - Short Story The Hero Of The Plague 1884 - I On a sweltering July day a long and ungainly shadow, stretching thirty feet upon the ground, crept noiselessly up… ... Read more
  • The Inmate Of The Dungeon - Short Story The Inmate Of The Dungeon 1884 - After, the Board of State Prison Directors, sitting in session at the prison, had heard and disposed of the complaints… ... Read more
  • The Monster-Maker - Short Story The Monster-Maker 1884 - A young man of refined appearance, but evidently suffering great mental distress, presented himself one morning at the residence of… ... Read more
  • The Permanent Stiletto - Short Story The Permanent Stiletto 1884 - I had sent in all haste for Dr. Rowell, but as yet he had not arrived, and the strain was… ... Read more
  • The Resurrection Of Little Wang Tai - Short Story The Resurrection Of Little Wang Tai 1884 - A train of circus-wagons, strung along a dusty road, in the Santa Clara Valley, crept slowly under the beating heat… ... Read more
  • Treacherous Velasco - Short Story Treacherous Velasco 1884 - Sitting at the open window of her room in the upper story of the farmhouse, on the Rancho San Gregorio,… ... Read more
  • Two Singular Men - Short Story Two Singular Men 1884 - The first of these was a powerful Italian, topped with a dense brush of rebellious black hair. The circumstances leading… ... Read more