Black and white Photo of Author Vsevolod Garshin (1855 - 1888)

Vsevolod Garshin

1888 (aged 33)

Vsevolod Garshin

Vsevolod Garshin was a author who primarily wrote in .

Vsevolod Garshin (1855–1888) was a Russian writer known for his short stories, which often explored psychological and philosophical themes. His works include “The Signal” and “The Red Flower,” which depicted the inner struggles and social issues of his time. Garshin’s writing had a significant influence on Russian literature.

Short Stories written by Vsevolod Garshin

  • A Red Flower - Short Story A Red Flower 1883 - I."In the name of His Imperial Highness, Emperor Peter the First, I have come to make an inspection of this… ... Read more
  • Four Days - Short Story Four Days 1877 - I RECOLLECT how we went at double-quick through the forest; how the bullets hummed; how the branches nipped off by… ... Read more
  • That Which Was Not - Short Story That Which Was Not 1882 - One beautiful June day—it was beautiful because it was twenty-eight degrees Réaumur—one beautiful June day it was warm everywhere, but… ... Read more
  • The Signal - Short Story The Signal 1887 - SEMEN IVANOV served as trackman on the railroad. His watch-house was twelve versts (nearly eight miles) distant from one station… ... Read more