Black and white Photo of Author Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836 - 1907)

Thomas Bailey Aldrich

1907 (aged 71)

Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Thomas Bailey Aldrich was an author who primarily wrote in .

Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836–1907) was an American poet, novelist, and editor. His poetry, including “The Story of a Bad Boy” and “An Old Town by the Sea,” captured the essence of New England life and showcased his literary talent during the late 19th century.

Short Stories written by Thomas Bailey Aldrich

  • A Rivermouth Romance - Short Story A Rivermouth Romance 1903 - At five o’clock of the morning of the tenth of July, 1860, the front door of a certain house on… ... Read more
  • Marjorie Daw - Short Story Marjorie Daw 1873 - I. DR. DILLON TO EDWARD DELANEY, ESQ., AT THE PINES. NEAR RYE, N.H. August 8, 1872. My Dear Sir: I… ... Read more
  • Miss Mehetabel's Son - Short Story Miss Mehetabel’s Son 1909 - A MAN with a passion for bric-à-brac is always stumbling over antique bronzes, intaglios, mosaics, and daggers of the time… ... Read more
  • The Cruise of the Dolphin - Short Story The Cruise of the Dolphin 1867 - (1 An episode from The Story of a Bad Boy, the narrator being Tom Bailey, the hero of the tale.)… ... Read more