Black and white Photo of Author Susan Glaspell (1876 - 1948)

Susan Glaspell

1948 (aged 72)

Susan Glaspell

Susan Glaspell was an author who primarily wrote in .

Susan Glaspell (1876–1948) was an American playwright, novelist, and journalist known for her contributions to early feminist drama. Her one-act play “Trifles” and the short story it was based on, “A Jury of Her Peers,” explored issues of gender and justice. Glaspell’s work had a significant impact on American theater and literature.

Short Stories written by Susan Glaspell

  • A Jury of Her Peers - Short Story A Jury of Her Peers 1917 - When Martha Hale opened the storm-door and got a cut of the north wind, she ran back for her big… ... Read more
  • At Twilight - Short Story At Twilight 1907 - A breeze from the May world without blew through the class-room, and as it lifted his papers he had a… ... Read more
  • For Love of the Hills - Short Story For Love of the Hills 1907 - "Sure you're done with it?" "Oh, yes," replied the girl, the suggestion of a smile on her face, and in… ... Read more
  • Freckles M'Grath - Short Story Freckles M’Grath 1907 - Many visitors to the State-house made the mistake of looking upon the Governor as the most important personage in the… ... Read more
  • From A to Z - Short Story From A to Z 1907 - Thus had another ideal tumbled to the rubbish heap! She seemed to be breathing the dust which the newly fallen… ... Read more
  • Government Goat - Short Story Government Goat 1907 - Joe Doane couldn't get to sleep. On one side of him a family were crying because their man was dead,… ... Read more
  • His America - Short Story His America 1907 - He hated to see the reporter go. With the closing of that door it seemed certain that there was no… ... Read more
  • His Smile - Short Story His Smile 1907 - Laura stood across the street waiting for the people to come out from the picture-show. She couldn't have said just… ... Read more
  • How the Prince Saw America - Short Story How the Prince Saw America 1907 - They began work at seven-thirty, and at ten minutes past eight every hammer stopped. In the Senate Chamber and in… ... Read more
  • One of Those Impossible Americans - Short Story One of Those Impossible Americans 1907 - "N'avez-vous pas--" she was bravely demanding of the clerk when she saw that the bulky American who was standing there… ... Read more
  • Out There - Short Story Out There 1907 - The old man held the picture up before him and surveyed it with admiring but disapproving eye. "No one that… ... Read more
  • The Anarchist: His Dog - Short Story The Anarchist: His Dog 1907 - Stubby had a route, and that was how he happened to get a dog. For the benefit of those who… ... Read more
  • The Last Sixty Minutes - Short Story The Last Sixty Minutes 1907 - "Nine--ten--" The old clock paused as if in dramatic appreciation of the situation, and then slowly, weightily, it gave the… ... Read more
  • The Man of Flesh and Blood - Short Story The Man of Flesh and Blood 1907 - The elements without were not in harmony with the spirit which it was desired should be engendered within. By music,… ... Read more
  • The Plea - Short Story The Plea 1907 - Senator Harrison concluded his argument and sat down. There was no applause, but he had expected none. Senator Dorman was… ... Read more
  • The Preposterous Motive - Short Story The Preposterous Motive 1907 - The Governor was sitting alone in his private office with an open letter in his hand. He was devoutly and… ... Read more
  • The Rules of the Institution - Short Story The Rules of the Institution 1907 - SHE could not decide what to wear. Never having known such an occasion, or any one who had known a… ... Read more