Black and white Photo of Author Stephen Leacock (1869 - 1944)

Stephen Leacock

1944 (aged 75)
Genre ,

Stephen Leacock

Stephen Leacock was a author who primarily wrote in .

Stephen Leacock (1869–1944) was a Canadian humorist and writer known for his humorous essays and stories. His works, including “Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town” and “Literary Lapses,” offered satirical commentary on various aspects of society. Leacock’s wit and humor made him a beloved figure in Canadian literature.

Short Stories written by Stephen Leacock

  • A Christmas Letter - Short Story A Christmas Letter 1902 - (In answer to a young lady who has sent an invitation to be present at a children's party) Madamoiselle, Allow… ... Read more
  • A New Pathology - Short Story A New Pathology 1902 - It has long been vaguely understood that the condition of a man's clothes has a certain effect upon the health… ... Read more
  • An Experiment with Policeman Hogan - Short Story An Experiment with Policeman Hogan 1902 - Mr. Scalper sits writing in the reporters' room of The Daily Eclipse. The paper has gone to press and he… ... Read more
  • Aristocratic Education - Short Story Aristocratic Education 1902 - House of Lords, Jan. 25, 1920.--The House of Lords commenced to-day in Committee the consideration of Clause No. 52,000 of… ... Read more
  • Boarding-House Geometry - Short Story Boarding-House Geometry 1902 - DEFINITIONS AND AXIOMS All boarding-houses are the same boarding-house. Boarders in the same boarding-house and on the same flat are… ... Read more
  • Borrowing a Match - Short Story Borrowing a Match 1902 - You might think that borrowing a match upon the street is a simple thing. But any man who has ever… ... Read more
  • Helping the Armenians - Short Story Helping the Armenians 1902 - The financial affairs of the parish church up at Doogalville have been getting rather into a tangle in the last… ... Read more
  • How to Avoid Getting Married - Short Story How to Avoid Getting Married 1902 - Some years ago, when I was the Editor of a Correspondence Column, I used to receive heart-broken letters from young… ... Read more
  • How to Be a Doctor - Short Story How to Be a Doctor 1902 - Certainly the progress of science is a wonderful thing. One can't help feeling proud of it. I must admit that… ... Read more
  • How to Live to be 200 - Short Story How to Live to be 200 1902 - Twenty years ago I knew a man called Jiggins, who had the Health Habit. He used to take a cold… ... Read more
  • How to Make a Million Dollars - Short Story How to Make a Million Dollars 1902 - I mix a good deal with the Millionaires. I like them. I like their faces. I like the way they… ... Read more
  • Insurance up to Date - Short Story Insurance up to Date 1902 - A man called on me the other day with the idea of insuring my life. Now, I detest life-insurance agents;… ... Read more
  • Lord Oxhead's Secret - Short Story Lord Oxhead’s Secret 1902 - A Romance in One Chapter It was finished. Ruin had come. Lord Oxhead sat gazing fixedly at the library fire.… ... Read more
  • Men Who Have Shaved Me - Short Story Men Who Have Shaved Me 1902 - A barber is by nature and inclination a sport. He can tell you at what exact hour the ball game… ... Read more
  • Merry Christmas - Short Story Merry Christmas 1902 - "MY DEAR Young Friend," said Father Time, as he laid his hand gently upon my shoulder, "you are entirely wrong."… ... Read more
  • My Financial Career - Short Story My Financial Career 1902 - When I go into a bank I get rattled. The clerks rattle me; the wickets rattle me; the sight of… ... Read more
  • Number Fifty-Six - Short Story Number Fifty-Six 1902 - What I narrate was told me one winter's evening by my friend Ah-Yen in the little room behind his laundry.… ... Read more
  • On Collecting Things - Short Story On Collecting Things 1902 - Like most other men I have from time to time been stricken with a desire to make collections of things.… ... Read more
  • Our Compressed Old English Novel: Swearword Our Compressed Old English Novel: Swearword, the Unpronounceable 1902 - Chapter One and Only "Ods-bodikins!" exclaimed Swearword, the Saxon, wiping his mailed brow with his iron hand, "a fair morn… ... Read more
  • Self-Made Men - Short Story Self-Made Men 1902 - They were both what we commonly call successful business men--men with well-fed faces, heavy signet rings on fingers like sausages,… ... Read more
  • Society Chit-Chat - Short Story Society Chit-Chat 1902 - As It Should Be Written I notice that it is customary for the daily papers to publish a column or… ... Read more
  • The Awful Fate of Melpomenus Jones - Short Story The Awful Fate of Melpomenus Jones 1902 - Some people--not you nor I, because we are so awfully self-possessed--but some people, find great difficulty in saying good-bye when… ... Read more
  • The Errors of Santa Claus - Short Story The Errors of Santa Claus 1902 - It was Christmas Eve. The Browns, who lived in the adjoining house, had been dining with the Joneses. Brown and… ... Read more
  • The Force of Statistics - Short Story The Force of Statistics 1902 - They were sitting on a seat of the car, immediately in front of me. I was consequently able to hear… ... Read more
  • The New Food - Short Story The New Food 1902 - I see from the current columns of the daily press that "Professor Plumb, of the University of Chicago, has just… ... Read more
  • The Poet Answered - Short Story The Poet Answered 1902 - Dear sir: In answer to your repeated questions and requests which have appeared for some years past in the columns… ... Read more
  • Winter Pastimes - Short Story Winter Pastimes 1902 - It is in the depth of winter, when the intense cold renders it desirable to stay at home, that the… ... Read more