Black and white Photo of Author Stephen Crane (1871 - 1900)

Stephen Crane

1900 (aged 29)
Genre ,

Stephen Crane

Stephen Crane was an author who primarily wrote in .

Stephen Crane (1871–1900) was an American novelist and short-story writer. He gained fame for his novel “The Red Badge of Courage,” a classic work depicting the experiences of a young soldier during the American Civil War. Crane’s realistic style and vivid prose left a lasting impact on American literature.

Short Stories written by Stephen Crane

  • A Dark Brown Dog - Short Story A Dark Brown Dog 1901 - A Child was standing on a street-corner. He leaned with one shoulder against a high board-fence and swayed the other… ... Read more
  • A Desertion - Short Story A Desertion 1881 - The yellow gaslight that came with an effect of difficulty through the dust-stained windows on either side of the door… ... Read more
  • A Grey Sleeve - Short Story A Grey Sleeve 1881 - I "It looks as if it might rain this afternoon," remarked the lieutenant of artillery. "So it does," the infantry… ... Read more
  • A Mystery of Heroism - Short Story A Mystery of Heroism 1881 - The dark uniforms of the men were so coated with dust from the incessant wrestling of the two armies that… ... Read more
  • A Tent in Agony - Short Story A Tent in Agony 1881 - A SULLIVAN COUNTY TALE Four men once came to a wet place in the roadless forest to fish. They pitched… ... Read more
  • An Episode of War - Short Story An Episode of War 1881 - The lieutenant's rubber blanket lay on the ground, and upon it he had poured the company's supply of coffee. Corporals… ... Read more
  • An Experiment in Misery - Short Story An Experiment in Misery 1881 - It was late at night, and a fine rain was swirling softly down, causing the pavements to glisten with hue… ... Read more
  • An Indiana Campaign - Short Story An Indiana Campaign 1881 - I When the able-bodied citizens of the village formed a company and marched away to the war, Major Tom Boldin… ... Read more
  • Four Men in a Cave - Short Story Four Men in a Cave 1881 - The moon rested for a moment on the top of a tall pine on a hill. The little man was… ... Read more
  • In The Depths of a Coal Mine - Short Story In The Depths of a Coal Mine 1894 - THE "breakers" squatted upon the hillsides and in the valley like enormous preying monsters, eating of the sunshine, the grass,… ... Read more
  • London Impressions - Short Story London Impressions 1881 - CHAPTER I London at first consisted of a porter with the most charming manners in the world, and a cabman… ... Read more
  • The Blue Hotel - Short Story The Blue Hotel 1881 - I THE Palace Hotel at Fort Romper was painted a light blue, a shade that is on the legs of… ... Read more
  • The Duel That Was Not Fought - Short Story The Duel That Was Not Fought 1881 - Patsy Tulligan was not as wise as seven owls, but his courage could throw a shadow as long as the… ... Read more
  • The End of the Battle - Short Story The End of the Battle 1881 - A sergeant, a corporal, and fourteen men of the Twelfth Regiment of the Line had been sent out to occupy… ... Read more
  • The Little Regiment - Short Story The Little Regiment 1881 - I The fog made the clothes of the men of the column in the roadway seem of a luminous quality.… ... Read more
  • The Mesmeric Mountain - Short Story The Mesmeric Mountain 1881 - A TALE OF SULLIVAN COUNTY On the brow of a pine-plumed hillock there sat a little man with his back… ... Read more
  • The Open Boat - Short Story The Open Boat 1897 - I None of them knew the color of the sky. Their eyes glanced level, and were fastened upon the waves… ... Read more
  • The Pace of Youth - Short Story The Pace of Youth 1881 - I Stimson stood in a corner and glowered. He was a fierce man and had indomitable whiskers, albeit he was… ... Read more
  • The Reluctant Voyagers - Short Story The Reluctant Voyagers 1881 - CHAPTER I Two men sat by the sea waves. "Well, I know I'm not handsome," said one gloomily. He was… ... Read more
  • The Scotch Express - Short Story The Scotch Express 1881 - The entrance to Euston Station is of itself sufficiently imposing. It is a high portico of brown stone, old and… ... Read more
  • The Snake - Short Story The Snake 1881 - Where the path wended across the ridge, the bushes of huckleberry and sweet fern swarmed at it in two curling… ... Read more
  • The Veteran - Short Story The Veteran 1896 - Out of the low window could be seen three hickory trees placed irregularly in a meadow that was resplendent in… ... Read more
  • Three Miraculous Soldiers - Short Story Three Miraculous Soldiers 1881 - I The girl was in the front room on the second floor, peering through the blinds. It was the "best… ... Read more
  • Upturned Face - Short Story Upturned Face 1881 - "What will we do now?" said the adjutant, troubled and excited. "Bury him," said Timothy Lean. The two officers looked… ... Read more