Black and white Photo of Author Robert Barr (1849 - 1912)

Robert Barr

1912 (aged 63)
Genre ,
Nationality ,

Robert Barr

Robert Barr was a , author who primarily wrote in .

Robert Barr (1849–1912) was a Scottish-Canadian author and journalist known for his detective and mystery fiction. His most famous creation, detective Eugene Valmont, appeared in stories like “The Triumphs of Eugène Valmont.”

Short Stories written by Robert Barr

  • A Case of Fever - Short Story A Case of Fever 1876 - "O, underneath the blood red sun, No bloodier deed was ever done! Nor fiercer retribution sought The hand that first… ... Read more
  • A Deal on 'Change' - Short Story A Deal on ‘Change’ 1876 - It was in the days when drawing-rooms were dark, and filled with bric- a-brac. The darkness enabled the half-blinded visitor,… ... Read more
  • A Dramatic Point - Short Story A Dramatic Point 1876 - In the bad days of Balmeceda, when Chili was rent in twain, and its capital was practically a besieged city,… ... Read more
  • A Dynamite Explosion - Short Story A Dynamite Explosion 1876 - Dupre sat at one of the round tables in the Cafe Vernon, with a glass of absinthe before him, which… ... Read more
  • A Ladies Man - Short Story A Ladies Man 1876 - "Jest w'en we guess we've covered the trail So's no one can't foller, w'y then we fail W'en we feel… ... Read more
  • A Modern Samson - Short Story A Modern Samson 1876 - A little more and Jean Rasteaux would have been a giant. Brittany men are small as a rule, but Jean… ... Read more
  • A Society for the Reformation of Poker Players - Short Story A Society for the Reformation of Poker Players 1876 - "O Unseen Hand that ever makes and deals us, And plays our game! That now obscures and then to light… ... Read more
  • An Alpine Divorce - Short Story An Alpine Divorce 1876 - In some natures there are no half-tones; nothing but raw primary colours. John Bodman was a man who was always… ... Read more
  • An Electrical Slip - Short Story An Electrical Slip 1876 - Public opinion had been triumphantly vindicated. The insanity plea had broken down, and Albert Prior was sentenced to be hanged… ... Read more
  • An International Row - Short Story An International Row 1876 - "A simple child That lightly draws its breath, And feels its life in every limb, What should it know of----"… ... Read more
  • An Invitation - Short Story An Invitation 1876 - The proud and warlike Archbishop Baldwin of Treves was well mounted, and, although the road by the margin of the… ... Read more
  • And the Rigour of the Game - Short Story And the Rigour of the Game 1876 - Old Mr. Saunders went home with bowed head and angry brow. He had not known that Dick was in the… ... Read more
  • Converted - Short Story Converted 1876 - In the ample stone-paved courtyard of the Schloss Grunewald, with its mysterious bubbling spring in the centre, stood the Black… ... Read more
  • Count Konrad's Courtship - Short Story Count Konrad’s Courtship 1876 - It was nearly midnight when Count Konrad von Hochstaden reached his castle on the Rhine, with a score of very… ... Read more
  • Gentlemen: The King! - Short Story Gentlemen: The King! 1876 - The room was large, but with a low ceiling, and at one end of the lengthy, broad apartment stood a… ... Read more
  • How the Captain Got His Steamer Out - Short Story How the Captain Got His Steamer Out 1876 - "On his own perticular well-wrought row, That he's straddled for ages-- Learnt its lay and its gages-- His style may… ... Read more
  • Miss McMillan - Short Story Miss McMillan 1876 - "Come hop, come skip, fair children all, Old Father Time is in the hall. He'll take you on his knee,… ... Read more
  • Mrs. Tremain - Short Story Mrs. Tremain 1876 - "And Woman, wit a flaming torch Sings heedless, in a powder-- Her careless smiles they warp and scorch Man's heart,… ... Read more
  • My Stowaway - Short Story My Stowaway 1876 - "Ye can play yer jokes on Nature, An' play 'em slick, She'll grin a grin, but, landsakes, friend, Look out… ... Read more
  • Not According to the Code - Short Story Not According to the Code 1876 - Even a stranger to the big town walking for the first time through London, sees on the sides of the… ... Read more
  • Out of Thun - Short Story Out of Thun 1876 - I.--BESSIE'S BEHAVIOUR. On one point Miss Bessie Durand agreed with Alexander von Humboldt--in fact, she even went further than that… ... Read more
  • Over the Stelvio Pass - Short Story Over the Stelvio Pass 1876 - There is no question about it, Tina Lenz was a flirt, as she had a perfect right to be, living… ... Read more
  • Purification - Short Story Purification 1876 - Eugene Caspilier sat at one of the metal tables of the Cafe Egalite, allowing the water from the carafe to… ... Read more
  • Share and Share Alike - Short Story Share and Share Alike 1876 - "The quick must haste to vengeance taste, For time is on his head; But he can wait at the door… ... Read more
  • The Ambassador's Pigeons - Short Story The Ambassador’s Pigeons 1876 - Haziddin, the ambassador, stood at the door of his tent and gazed down upon the famous city of Baalbek, seeing… ... Read more
  • The Archbishop's Gift - Short Story The Archbishop’s Gift 1876 - Arras, blacksmith and armourer, stood at the door of his hut in the valley of the Alf, a league or… ... Read more
  • The Bromley Gibberts Story - Short Story The Bromley Gibberts Story 1876 - The room in which John Shorely edited the Weekly Sponge was not luxuriously furnished, but it was comfortable. A few… ... Read more
  • The Count's Apology - Short Story The Count’s Apology 1876 - The fifteen nobles, who formed the Council of State for the Moselle Valley, stood in little groups in the Rittersaal… ... Read more
  • The Exposure of Lord Stansford - Short Story The Exposure of Lord Stansford 1876 - The large mansion of Louis Heckle, millionaire and dealer in gold mines, was illuminated from top to bottom. Carriages were… ... Read more
  • The Hour and the Man - Short Story The Hour and the Man 1876 - Prince Lotarno rose slowly to his feet, casting one malignant glance at the prisoner before him. "You have heard," he… ... Read more
  • The Hour-Glass - Short Story The Hour-Glass 1876 - Bertram Eastford had intended to pass the shop of his old friend, the curiosity dealer, into whose pockets so much… ... Read more
  • The Long Ladder - Short Story The Long Ladder 1876 - Every fortress has one traitor within its walls; the Schloss Eltz had two. In this, curiously enough, lay its salvation;… ... Read more
  • The Man Who was not on the Passenger List - Short Story The Man Who was not on the Passenger List 1876 - "The well-sworn Lie, franked to the world with all The circumstance of proof, Cringes abashed, and sneaks along the wall… ... Read more
  • The Purser's Story - Short Story The Purser’s Story 1876 - "O Mother-nature, kind in touch and tone. Act as we may, thou clearest to thine own" I don't know that… ... Read more
  • The Shadow of the Greenback - Short Story The Shadow of the Greenback 1876 - Hickory Sam needed but one quality to be perfect. He should have been an arrant coward. He was a blustering… ... Read more
  • The Terrible Experience of Plodkins - Short Story The Terrible Experience of Plodkins 1876 - "Which--life or death? Tis a gambler's chance! Yet, unconcerned, we spin and dance, On the brittle thread of circumstance." I… ... Read more
  • The Understudy - Short Story The Understudy 1876 - "Dogs on board ship is a nuisance," said the night-watchman, gazing fiercely at the vociferous mongrel that had chased him… ... Read more
  • The Vengeance of the Dead - Short Story The Vengeance of the Dead 1876 - It is a bad thing for a man to die with an unsatisfied thirst for revenge parching his soul. David… ... Read more
  • The Warrior Maid of San Carlos - Short Story The Warrior Maid of San Carlos 1876 - The young naval officer came into this world with two eyes and two arms; he left it with but one… ... Read more
  • Transformation - Short Story Transformation 1876 - Forthwith this frame of mine was wrench’d With a woful agony, Which forced me to begin my tale, And then… ... Read more
  • Two Florentine Balconies - Short Story Two Florentine Balconies 1876 - Prince Padema sat desolately on his lofty balcony at Florence, and cursed things generally. Fate had indeed dealt hardly with… ... Read more
  • Which Was the Murderer? - Short Story Which Was the Murderer? 1876 - Mrs. John Forder had no premonition of evil. When she heard the hall clock strike nine she was blithely singing… ... Read more