Black and white Photo of Author Rex Ellingwood Beach (1877 - 1949)

Rex Ellingwood Beach

1949 (aged 72)
Genre ,

Rex Ellingwood Beach

Rex Ellingwood Beach was an author who primarily wrote in .

Rex Ellingwood Beach (1877–1949) was an American novelist and playwright known for his adventure and romance novels set in exotic locations. His works, such as “The Spoilers,” offered readers thrilling tales of action and intrigue during the early 20th century.

Short Stories written by Rex Ellingwood Beach

  • A Bitter Root Billingsrbiter - Short Story A Bitter Root Billingsrbiter 1908 - Billings rode in from the Junction about dusk, and ate his supper in silence. He'd been East for sixty days,… ... Read more
  • Flesh - Short Story Flesh 1908 - I Should you chance, in crossing a certain mountain pass in southern Catalonia, to find yourself poised above a little… ... Read more
  • His Stock in Trade - Short Story His Stock in Trade 1908 - "The science of salesmanship is quite as exact as the science of astronomy," said Mr. Gross, casting his eyes down… ... Read more
  • Laughing Bill Hyde - Short Story Laughing Bill Hyde 1908 - Mr. William Hyde was discharged from Deer Lodge Penitentiary a changed man. That was quite in line with the accepted… ... Read more
  • North of Fifty-Three - Short Story North of Fifty-Three 1908 - Big George was drinking, and the activities of the little Arctic mining camp were paralysed. Events invariably ceased their progress… ... Read more
  • Out of the Night - Short Story Out of the Night 1908 - "There is but one remedy for your complaint." Doctor Suydam settled deeper into his chair. "Marry the girl." "That is… ... Read more
  • Pardners - Short Story Pardners 1908 - "Most all the old quotations need fixing," said Joyce in tones forbidding dispute. "For instance, the guy that alluded to… ... Read more
  • Running Elk - Short Story Running Elk 1908 - Up from the valley below came the throb of war drums, the faint rattle of shots, and the distant cries… ... Read more
  • The Colonel and the Horse-Thief - Short Story The Colonel and the Horse-Thief 1908 - Those marks on my arm? Oh! I got 'em playin' horse-thief. Yes, playin'. I wasn't a real one, you know--Well,… ... Read more
  • The Cub Reporter - Short Story The Cub Reporter 1908 - Why he chose Buffalo Paul Anderson never knew, unless perhaps it had more newspapers than Bay City, Michigan, and because… ... Read more
  • The Moon The Moon, the Maid, and the Winged Shoes 1908 - The last place I locked wheels with Mike Butters was in Idaho. I'd just sold a silver-lead prospect and was… ... Read more
  • The Mule Driver and the Garrulous Mute - Short Story The Mule Driver and the Garrulous Mute 1908 - Bill had finished panning the concentrates from our last clean-up, and now the silver ball of amalgam sizzled and fried… ... Read more
  • The North Wind's Malice - Short Story The North Wind’s Malice 1908 - It had snowed during the night, but toward morning it had grown cold; now the sled-runners complained and the load… ... Read more
  • The Real and the Make-Believe - Short Story The Real and the Make-Believe 1908 - On his way down-town Phillips stopped at a Subway news-stand and bought all the morning papers. He acknowledged that he… ... Read more
  • The Scourge - Short Story The Scourge 1908 - Coming down coast from the Kotzebue country they stumbled onto the little camp in the early winter, and as there… ... Read more
  • The Shyness of Shorty - Short Story The Shyness of Shorty 1908 - Bailey smoked morosely as he scanned the dusty trail leading down across the "bottom" and away over the dry grey… ... Read more
  • The Test - Short Story The Test 1908 - Pebblesea was dull, and Mr. Frederick Dix, mate of the ketch Starfish, after a long and unsuccessful quest for amusement,… ... Read more
  • The Thaw at Slisco's - Short Story The Thaw at Slisco’s 1908 - The storm broke at Salmon Lake, and we ran for Slisco's road-house. It whipped out from the mountains, all tore… ... Read more
  • Where Northern Lights Come Down O' Nights - Short Story Where Northern Lights Come Down O’ Nights 1908 - The Mission House at Togiak stands forlornly on a wind-swept Alaskan spit, while huddled around it a swarm of dirt-covered… ... Read more
  • With Bridges Burned - Short Story With Bridges Burned 1908 - Louis Mitchell knew what the telegram meant, even though it was brief and cryptic. He had been expecting something of… ... Read more
  • With Interest to Date - Short Story With Interest to Date 1908 - This is the tale of a wrong that rankled and a great revenge. It is not a moral story, nor… ... Read more