Black and white Photo of Author P. G. Wodehouse (1881 - 1975)

P. G. Wodehouse

1975 (aged 94)
Genre ,

P. G. Wodehouse

P. G. Wodehouse was a author who primarily wrote in .

P.G. Wodehouse (Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, 1881–1975) was a British humorist and author famous for his Jeeves and Wooster stories and “Blandings Castle” series.

Short Stories written by P. G. Wodehouse

  • A Mixed Threesome - Short Story A Mixed Threesome 1923 - It was the holiday season, and during the holidays the Greens Committees have decided that the payment of twenty guineas… ... Read more
  • A Sea of Troubles - Short Story A Sea of Troubles 1923 - Mr Meggs's mind was made up. He was going to commit suicide. There had been moments, in the interval which… ... Read more
  • A Woman is Only a Woman - Short Story A Woman is Only a Woman 1923 - On a fine day in the spring, summer, or early autumn, there are few spots more delightful than the terrace… ... Read more
  • Absent Treatment - Short Story Absent Treatment 1923 - I want to tell you all about dear old Bobbie Cardew. It's a most interesting story. I can't put in… ... Read more
  • Ahead of Schedule - Short Story Ahead of Schedule 1923 - It was to Wilson, his valet, with whom he frequently chatted in airy fashion before rising of a morning, that… ... Read more
  • Archibald's Benefit - Short Story Archibald’s Benefit 1923 - Archibald Mealing was one of those golfers in whom desire outruns performance. Nobody could have been more willing than Archibald.… ... Read more
  • At Geisenheimer's - Short Story At Geisenheimer’s 1923 - As I walked to Geisenheimer's that night I was feeling blue and restless, tired of New York, tired of dancing,… ... Read more
  • Bill the Bloodhound - Short Story Bill the Bloodhound 1923 - There's a divinity that shapes our ends. Consider the case of Henry Pifield Rice, detective. I must explain Henry early,… ... Read more
  • Black for Luck - Short Story Black for Luck 1923 - He was black, but comely. Obviously in reduced circumstances, he had nevertheless contrived to retain a certain smartness, a certain… ... Read more
  • By Advice of Counsel - Short Story By Advice of Counsel 1923 - The traveller champed meditatively at his steak. He paid no attention to the altercation which was in progress between the… ... Read more
  • Concealed Art - Short Story Concealed Art 1923 - If a fellow has lots of money and lots of time and lots of curiosity about other fellows' business, it… ... Read more
  • Crowned Heads - Short Story Crowned Heads 1923 - Katie had never been more surprised in her life than when the serious young man with the brown eyes and… ... Read more
  • Death at the Excelsior - Short Story Death at the Excelsior 1923 - I The room was the typical bedroom of the typical boarding-house, furnished, insofar as it could be said to be… ... Read more
  • Deep Waters - Short Story Deep Waters 1923 - Historians of the social life of the later Roman Empire speak of a certain young man of Ariminum, who would… ... Read more
  • Disentangling Old Duggie - Short Story Disentangling Old Duggie 1923 - Doesn't some poet or philosopher fellow say that it's when our intentions are best that we always make the worst… ... Read more
  • Doing Clarence a Bit of Good - Short Story Doing Clarence a Bit of Good 1923 - Have you ever thought about--and, when I say thought about, I mean really carefully considered the question of--the coolness, the… ... Read more
  • Extricating Young Gussie - Short Story Extricating Young Gussie 1915 - She sprang it on me before breakfast. There in seven words you have a complete character sketch of my Aunt… ... Read more
  • Helping Freddie - Short Story Helping Freddie 1923 - I don't want to bore you, don't you know, and all that sort of rot, but I must tell you… ... Read more
  • In Alcala - Short Story In Alcala 1923 - In Alcala, as in most of New York's apartment houses, the schedule of prices is like a badly rolled cigarette--thick… ... Read more
  • Jeeves and the Chump Cyril - Short Story Jeeves and the Chump Cyril 1923 - You know, the longer I live, the more clearly I see that half the trouble in this bally world is… ... Read more
  • Jeeves and the Hard-Boiled Egg - Short Story Jeeves and the Hard-Boiled Egg 1923 - Sometimes of a morning, as I've sat in bed sucking down the early cup of tea and watched my man… ... Read more
  • Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest - Short Story Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest 1923 - I'm not absolutely certain of my facts, but I rather fancy it's Shakespeare--or, if not, it's some equally brainy lad--who… ... Read more
  • Jeeves in the Springtime - Short Story Jeeves in the Springtime 1923 - "'Morning, Jeeves," I said. "Good morning, sir," said Jeeves. He put the good old cup of tea softly on the… ... Read more
  • Jeeves Takes Charge - Short Story Jeeves Takes Charge 1923 - Now, touching this business of old Jeeves--my man, you know--how do we stand? Lots of people think I'm much too… ... Read more
  • Leave it to Jeeves - Short Story Leave it to Jeeves 1923 - Jeeves--my man, you know--is really a most extraordinary chap. So capable. Honestly, I shouldn't know what to do without him.… ... Read more
  • Misunderstood - Short Story Misunderstood 1923 - The profession of Mr. James ("Spider") Buffin was pocket-picking. His hobby was revenge. James had no objection to letting the… ... Read more
  • One Touch of Nature - Short Story One Touch of Nature 1923 - The feelings of Mr J. Wilmot Birdsey, as he stood wedged in the crowd that moved inch by inch towards… ... Read more
  • Out of School - Short Story Out of School 1923 - Mark you, I am not defending James Datchett. I hold no brief for James. On the contrary, I am very… ... Read more
  • Pots O' Money - Short Story Pots O’ Money 1923 - Owen Bentley was feeling embarrassed. He looked at Mr Sheppherd, and with difficulty restrained himself from standing on one leg… ... Read more
  • Rallying Round Old George - Short Story Rallying Round Old George 1923 - I think one of the rummiest affairs I was ever mixed up with, in the course of a lifetime devoted… ... Read more
  • Rough-Hew Them How We Will - Short Story Rough-Hew Them How We Will 1923 - Paul Boielle was a waiter. The word 'waiter' suggests a soft-voiced, deft-handed being, moving swiftly and without noise in an… ... Read more
  • Ruth in Exile - Short Story Ruth in Exile 1923 - The clock struck five--briskly, as if time were money. Ruth Warden got up from her desk and, having put on… ... Read more
  • Sir Agravaine - Short Story Sir Agravaine 1923 - A Tale of King Arthur's Round Table Some time ago, when spending a delightful week-end at the ancestral castle of… ... Read more
  • Something to Worry About - Short Story Something to Worry About 1923 - A girl stood on the shingle that fringes Millbourne Bay, gazing at the red roofs of the little village across… ... Read more
  • Sundered Hearts - Short Story Sundered Hearts 1923 - In the smoking-room of the club-house a cheerful fire was burning, and the Oldest Member glanced from time to time… ... Read more
  • The Aunt and the Sluggard - Short Story The Aunt and the Sluggard 1923 - Now that it's all over, I may as well admit that there was a time during the rather funny affair… ... Read more
  • The Best Sauce - Short Story The Best Sauce 1923 - Eve Hendrie sat up in bed. For two hours she had been trying to get to sleep, but without success.… ... Read more
  • The Clicking of Cuthbert - Short Story The Clicking of Cuthbert 1923 - The young man came into the smoking-room of the clubhouse, and flung his bag with a clatter on the floor.… ... Read more
  • The Goal-Keeper and the Plutocrat - Short Story The Goal-Keeper and the Plutocrat 1923 - The main difficulty in writing a story is to convey to the reader clearly yet tersely the natures and dispositions… ... Read more
  • The Good Angel - Short Story The Good Angel 1923 - Any man under thirty years of age who tells you he is not afraid of an English butler lies. He… ... Read more
  • The Making of Mac's - Short Story The Making of Mac’s 1923 - Mac's Restaurant--nobody calls it MacFarland's--is a mystery. It is off the beaten track. It is not smart. It does not… ... Read more
  • The Man Upstairs - Short Story The Man Upstairs 1923 - There were three distinct stages in the evolution of Annette Brougham's attitude towards the knocking in the room above. In… ... Read more
  • The Man Who Disliked Cats - Short Story The Man Who Disliked Cats 1923 - It was Harold who first made us acquainted, when I was dining one night at the Cafe Britannique, in Soho.… ... Read more
  • The Man With Two Left Feet - Short Story The Man With Two Left Feet 1917 - Students of the folk-lore of the United States of America are no doubt familiar with the quaint old story of… ... Read more
  • The Man The Man, the Maid and the Miasma 1923 - Although this story is concerned principally with the Man and the Maid, the Miasma pervades it to such an extent… ... Read more
  • The Romance of an Ugly Policeman - Short Story The Romance of an Ugly Policeman 1923 - Crossing the Thames by Chelsea Bridge, the wanderer through London finds himself in pleasant Battersea. Rounding the Park, where the… ... Read more
  • The Salvation of George Mackintosh - Short Story The Salvation of George Mackintosh 1923 - The young man came into the club-house. There was a frown on his usually cheerful face, and he ordered a… ... Read more
  • The Test Case - Short Story The Test Case 1923 - Well-meaning chappies at the club sometimes amble up to me and tap me on the wishbone, and say "Reggie, old… ... Read more
  • The Tuppenny Millionaire - Short Story The Tuppenny Millionaire 1923 - In the crowd that strolled on the Promenade des Etrangers, enjoying the morning sunshine, there were some who had come… ... Read more
  • Three From Dunsterville - Short Story Three From Dunsterville 1923 - Once upon a time there was erected in Longacre Square, New York, a large white statue, labelled 'Our City', the… ... Read more
  • Tom Tom, Dick, and Harry 1923 - This story will interest and amuse all cricketers, and while from the male point of view it may serve as… ... Read more
  • When Doctors Disagree - Short Story When Doctors Disagree 1923 - It is possible that, at about the time at which this story opens, you may have gone into the Hotel… ... Read more
  • When Papa Swore in Hindustani - Short Story When Papa Swore in Hindustani 1923 - "Sylvia!" "Yes, papa." "That infernal dog of yours----" "Oh, papa!" "Yes, that infernal dog of yours has been at my… ... Read more
  • Wilton's Holiday - Short Story Wilton’s Holiday 1923 - When Jack Wilton first came to Marois Bay, none of us dreamed that he was a man with a hidden… ... Read more