Black and white Photo of Author Ivan S. Turgenev (1818 - 1883)

Ivan S. Turgenev

1883 (aged 65)
Genre ,

Ivan S. Turgenev

Ivan S. Turgenev was a author who primarily wrote in .

Ivan S. Turgenev (Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev, 1818–1883) was a Russian novelist, playwright, and short story writer known for works like “Fathers and Sons.”

Short Stories written by Ivan S. Turgenev

  • A Desperate Character - Short Story A Desperate Character 1846 - I ... We were a party of eight in the room, and we were talking of contemporary affairs and men.… ... Read more
  • A Strange Story - Short Story A Strange Story 1870 - In the northern part of Austin there once dwelt an honest family by the name of Smothers. The family consisted… ... Read more
  • Knock Knock, Knock, Knock 1846 - A STUDY I We all settled down in a circle and our good friend Alexandr Vassilyevitch Ridel (his surname was… ... Read more
  • Mumu - Short Story Mumu 1846 - In one of the outlying streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns and a balcony, warped all… ... Read more
  • The Counting-House - Short Story The Counting-House 1846 - It was autumn. For some hours I had been strolling across country with my gun, and should probably not have… ... Read more
  • The District Doctor - Short Story The District Doctor 1852 - One day in autumn on my way back from a remote part of the country I caught cold and fell… ... Read more
  • The Dog - Short Story The Dog 1846 - The dog is a member of society who likes to have his day's work, and who does it more conscientiously… ... Read more
  • The Duellist - Short Story The Duellist 1847 - THE DUELLIST I A regiment of cuirassiers was quartered in 1829 in the village of Kirilovo, in the K—- province.… ... Read more
  • The Inn - Short Story The Inn 1846 - On the high road to B., at an equal distance from the two towns through which it runs, there stood… ... Read more
  • The Watch - Short Story The Watch 1846 - AN OLD MAN'S STORY I I will tell you my adventures with a watch. It is a curious story. It… ... Read more