Black and white Photo of Author H.H. Munro (SAKI) (1870 - 1916)

H.H. Munro (SAKI)

1916 (aged 46)

H.H. Munro (SAKI)

H.H. Munro (SAKI) was a author who primarily wrote in .

H.H. Munro, known by his pen name Saki, was a British author known for his witty and satirical short stories. His works, including “The Open Window” and “The Interlopers,” often featured dark humor and sharp social commentary. Saki’s writing style and humor continue to be celebrated in the world of short fiction.

Short Stories written by H.H. Munro (SAKI)

  • A Bread and Butter Miss - Short Story A Bread and Butter Miss 1888 - "Starling Chatter and Oakhill have both dropped back in the betting," said Bertie van Tahn, throwing the morning paper across… ... Read more
  • A Defensive Diamond - Short Story A Defensive Diamond 1888 - Treddleford sat in an easeful arm-chair in front of a slumberous fire, with a volume of verse in his hand… ... Read more
  • A Holiday Task - Short Story A Holiday Task 1888 - Kenelm Jerton entered the dining-hall of the Golden Galleon Hotel in the full crush of the luncheon hour. Nearly every… ... Read more
  • A Matter of Sentiment - Short Story A Matter of Sentiment 1888 - It was the eve of the great race, and scarcely a member of Lady Susan's house- party had as yet… ... Read more
  • A Touch of Realism - Short Story A Touch of Realism 1888 - "I hope you've come full of suggestions for Christmas," said Lady Blonze to her latest arrived guest; "the old-fashioned Christmas… ... Read more
  • A Young Turkish Catastrophe - Short Story A Young Turkish Catastrophe 1888 - The Minister for Fine Arts (to whose Department had been lately added the new sub-section of Electoral Engineering) paid a… ... Read more
  • Adrian - Short Story Adrian 1888 - His baptismal register spoke of him pessimistically as John Henry, but he had left that behind with the other maladies… ... Read more
  • Bertie's Christmas Eve - Short Story Bertie’s Christmas Eve 1930 - It was Christmas Eve, and the family circle of Luke Steffink, Esq., was aglow with the amiability and random mirth… ... Read more
  • Canossa - Short Story Canossa 1888 - Demosthenes Platterbaff, the eminent Unrest Inducer, stood on his trial for a serious offence, and the eyes of the political… ... Read more
  • Clovis on Parental Responsibilities - Short Story Clovis on Parental Responsibilities 1888 - Marion Eggelby sat talking to Clovis on the only subject that she ever willingly talked about - her offspring and… ... Read more
  • Cousin Teresa - Short Story Cousin Teresa 1888 - Basset Harrowcluff returned to the home of his fathers, after an absence of four years, distinctly well pleased with himself.… ... Read more
  • Cross Currents - Short Story Cross Currents 1888 - Vanessa Pennington had a husband who was poor, with few extenuating circumstances, and an admirer who, though comfortably rich, was… ... Read more
  • Down Pens - Short Story Down Pens 1888 - "Have you written to thank the Froplinsons for what they sent us?" asked Egbert. "No," said Janetta, with a note… ... Read more
  • Dusk - Short Story Dusk 1888 - Norman Gortsby sat on a bench in the Park, with his back to a strip of bush-planted sward, fenced by… ... Read more
  • Esme - Short Story Esme 1888 - "All hunting stories are the same," said Clovis; "just as all Turf stories are the same, and all--" "My hunting… ... Read more
  • Expecting Mrs. Pentherby - Short Story Expecting Mrs. Pentherby 1888 - It was Reggie Bruttle's own idea for converting what had threatened to be an albino elephant into a beast of… ... Read more
  • Fate - Short Story Fate 1888 - Rex Dillot was nearly twenty-four, almost good-looking and quite penniless. His mother was supposed to make him some sort of… ... Read more
  • Filboid Studge - Short Story Filboid Studge 1888 - "I want to marry your daughter," said Mark Spayley with faltering eagerness. "I am only an artist with an income… ... Read more
  • For the Duration of the War - Short Story For the Duration of the War 1888 - The Rev. Wilfrid Gaspilton, in one of those clerical migrations inconsequent-seeming to the lay mind, had removed from the moderately… ... Read more
  • Forewarned - Short Story Forewarned 1888 - Alethia Debchance sat in a corner of an otherwise empty railway carriage, more or less at ease as regarded body,… ... Read more
  • Fur - Short Story Fur 1888 - "You look worried, dear," said Eleanor. "I am worried," admitted Suzanne; "not worried exactly, but anxious. You see, my birthday… ... Read more
  • Gabriel-Ernest - Short Story Gabriel-Ernest 1888 - "There is a wild beast in your woods," said the artist Cunningham, as he was being driven to the station.… ... Read more
  • Hermann The Irascible - Short Story Hermann The Irascible 1888 - The Story of the Great Weep It was in the second decade of the Twentieth Century, after the Great Plague… ... Read more
  • Hyacinth - Short Story Hyacinth 1888 - "The new fashion of introducing the candidate's children into an election contest is a pretty one," said Mrs. Panstreppon; "it… ... Read more
  • Judkin of the Parcels - Short Story Judkin of the Parcels 1888 - A figure in an indefinite tweed suit, carrying brown-paper parcels. That is what we met suddenly, at the bend of… ... Read more
  • Laura - Short Story Laura 1888 - "You are not really dying, are you?" asked Amanda. "I have the doctor's permission to live till Tuesday," said Laura.… ... Read more
  • Louis - Short Story Louis 1888 - "It would be jolly to spend Easter in Vienna this year," said Strudwarden, "and look up some of my old… ... Read more
  • Louise - Short Story Louise 1888 - "The tea will be quite cold, you'd better ring for some more," said the Dowager Lady Beanford. Susan Lady Beanford… ... Read more
  • Mark - Short Story Mark 1888 - Augustus Mellowkent was a novelist with a future; that is to say, a limited but increasing number of people read… ... Read more
  • Ministers of Grace - Short Story Ministers of Grace 1888 - Although he was scarcely yet out of his teens, the Duke of Scaw was already marked out as a personality… ... Read more
  • Morlvera - Short Story Morlvera 1888 - The Olympic Toy Emporium occupied a conspicuous frontage in an important West End street. It was happily named Toy Emporium,… ... Read more
  • Mrs. Packletide's Tiger - Short Story Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger 1888 - It was Mrs. Packletide's pleasure and intention that she should shoot a tiger. Not that the lust to kill had… ... Read more
  • On Approval - Short Story On Approval 1888 - Of all the genuine Bohemians who strayed from time to time into the would-be Bohemian circle of the Restaurant Nuremberg,… ... Read more
  • Quail Seed - Short Story Quail Seed 1888 - "The outlook is not encouraging for us smaller businesses," said Mr. Scarrick to the artist and his sister, who had… ... Read more
  • Reginald - Short Story Reginald 1888 - I did it--I who should have known better. I persuaded Reginald to go to the McKillops' garden-party against his will.… ... Read more
  • Reginald at the Carlton - Short Story Reginald at the Carlton 1888 - "A most variable climate," said the Duchess; "and how unfortunate that we should have had that very cold weather at… ... Read more
  • Reginald at the Theatre - Short Story Reginald at the Theatre 1888 - "After all," said the Duchess vaguely, "there are certain things you can't get away from. Right and wrong, good conduct… ... Read more
  • Reginald in Russia - Short Story Reginald in Russia 1888 - Reginald sat in a corner of the Princess's salon and tried to forgive the furniture, which started out with an… ... Read more
  • Reginald on Besetting Sins - Short Story Reginald on Besetting Sins 1888 - There was once (said Reginald) a woman who told the truth. Not all at once, of course, but the habit… ... Read more
  • Reginald on Christmas Presents - Short Story Reginald on Christmas Presents 1904 - I wish it to be distinctly understood (said Reginald) that I don't want a "George, Prince of Wales" Prayer-book as… ... Read more
  • Reginald on House-Parties - Short Story Reginald on House-Parties 1888 - The drawback is, one never really knows one's hosts and hostesses. One gets to know their fox-terriers and their chrysanthemums,… ... Read more
  • Reginald on Tariffs - Short Story Reginald on Tariffs 1888 - I'm not going to discuss the Fiscal Question (said Reginald); I wish to be original. At the same time, I… ... Read more
  • Reginald on the Academy - Short Story Reginald on the Academy 1888 - "One goes to the Academy in self-defence," said Reginald. "It is the one topic one has in common with the… ... Read more
  • Reginald on Worries - Short Story Reginald on Worries 1888 - I have (said Reginald) an aunt who worries. She's not really an aunt--a sort of amateur one, and they aren't… ... Read more
  • Reginald's Choir Treat - Short Story Reginald’s Choir Treat 1888 - "Never," wrote Reginald to his most darling friend, "be a pioneer. It's the Early Christian that gets the fattest lion."… ... Read more
  • Reginald's Christmas Revel - Short Story Reginald’s Christmas Revel 1888 - They say (said Reginald) that there's nothing sadder than victory except defeat. If you've ever stayed with dull people during… ... Read more
  • Reginald's Drama - Short Story Reginald’s Drama 1888 - Reginald closed his eyes with the elaborate weariness of one who has rather nice eyelashes and thinks it useless to… ... Read more
  • Reginald's Peace Poem - Short Story Reginald’s Peace Poem 1888 - "I'm writing a poem on Peace," said Reginald, emerging from a sweeping operation through a tin of mixed biscuits, in… ... Read more
  • Reginald's Rubaiyat - Short Story Reginald’s Rubaiyat 1888 - The other day (confided Reginald), when I was killing time in the bathroom and making bad resolutions for the New… ... Read more
  • Shock Tactics - Short Story Shock Tactics 1888 - On a late spring afternoon Ella McCarthy sat on a green-painted chair in Kensington Gardens, staring listlessly at an uninteresting… ... Read more
  • Sredni Vashtar - Short Story Sredni Vashtar 1911 - Conradin was ten years old, and the doctor had pronounced his professional opinion that the boy would not live another… ... Read more
  • Tea - Short Story Tea 1888 - James Cushat-Prinkly was a young man who had always had a settled conviction that one of these days he would… ... Read more
  • The Background - Short Story The Background 1888 - "That woman's art-jargon tires me," said Clovis to his journalist friend. "She's so fond of talking of certain pictures as… ... Read more
  • The Bag - Short Story The Bag 1888 - "The Major is coming in to tea," said Mrs. Hoopington to her niece. "He's just gone round to the stables… ... Read more
  • The Baker's Dozen - Short Story The Baker’s Dozen 1888 - Characters - MAJOR RICHARD DUMBARTON MRS. CAREWE MRS. PALY-PAGET Scene--Deck of eastward-bound steamer. Major Dumbarton seated on deck-chair, another chair… ... Read more
  • The Blind Spot - Short Story The Blind Spot 1888 - "You've just come back from Adelaide's funeral, haven't you?" said Sir Lulworth to his nephew; "I suppose it was very… ... Read more
  • The Blood-Feud of Toad-Water - Short Story The Blood-Feud of Toad-Water 1888 - The Cricks lived at Toad-Water; and in the same lonely upland spot Fate had pitched the home of the Saunderses,… ... Read more
  • The Boar-Pig - Short Story The Boar-Pig 1888 - "There is a back way on to the lawn," said Mrs. Philidore Stossen to her daughter, "through a small grass… ... Read more
  • The Brogue - Short Story The Brogue 1888 - The hunting season had come to an end, and the Mullets had not succeeded in selling the Brogue. There had… ... Read more
  • The Bull - Short Story The Bull 1888 - Tom Yorkfield had always regarded his half-brother, Laurence, with a lazy instinct of dislike, toned down, as years went on,… ... Read more
  • The Byzantine Omelette - Short Story The Byzantine Omelette 1888 - Sophie Chattel-Monkheim was a Socialist by conviction and a Chattel-Monkheim by marriage. The particular member of that wealthy family whom… ... Read more
  • The Chaplet - Short Story The Chaplet 1888 - A strange stillness hung over the restaurant; it was one of those rare moments when the orchestra was not discoursing… ... Read more
  • The Cobweb - Short Story The Cobweb 1888 - The farmhouse kitchen probably stood where it did as a matter of accident or haphazard choice; yet its situation might… ... Read more
  • The Cupboard of the Yesterdays - Short Story The Cupboard of the Yesterdays 1888 - "War is a cruelly destructive thing," said the Wanderer, dropping his newspaper to the floor and staring reflectively into space.… ... Read more
  • The Disappearance of Crispina Umberleigh - Short Story The Disappearance of Crispina Umberleigh 1888 - In a first-class carriage of a train speeding Balkanward across the flat, green Hungarian plain two Britons sat in friendly,… ... Read more
  • The Dreamer - Short Story The Dreamer 1914 - It was the season of sales. The august establishment of Walpurgis and Nettlepink had lowered its prices for an entire… ... Read more
  • The Easter Egg - Short Story The Easter Egg 1888 - It was distinctly hard lines for Lady Barbara, who came of good fighting stock, and was one of the bravest… ... Read more
  • The Elk - Short Story The Elk 1888 - Teresa, Mrs. Thropplestance, was the richest and most intractable old woman in the county of Woldshire. In her dealings with… ... Read more
  • The Feast of Nemesis - Short Story The Feast of Nemesis 1888 - "It's a good thing that Saint Valentine's Day has dropped out of vogue," said Mrs. Thackenbury; "what with Christmas and… ... Read more
  • The Forbidden Buzzards - Short Story The Forbidden Buzzards 1888 - "Is matchmaking at all in your line?" Hugo Peterby asked the question with a certain amount of personal interest. "I… ... Read more
  • The Guests - Short Story The Guests 1888 - "The landscape seen from our windows is certainly charming," said Annabel; "those cherry orchards and green meadows, and the river… ... Read more
  • The Hedgehog - Short Story The Hedgehog 1888 - A "Mixed Double" of young people were contesting a game of lawn tennis at the Rectory garden party; for the… ... Read more
  • The Hen - Short Story The Hen 1888 - "Dora Bittholz is coming on Thursday," said Mrs. Sangrail. "This next Thursday? " asked Clovis His mother nodded. "You've rather… ... Read more
  • The Hounds of Fate - Short Story The Hounds of Fate 1888 - In the fading light of a close dull autumn afternoon Martin Stoner plodded his way along muddy lanes and rut-seamed… ... Read more
  • The Image of the Lost Sole - Short Story The Image of the Lost Sole 1888 - There were a number of carved stone figures placed at intervals along the parapets of the old Cathedral; some of… ... Read more
  • The Innocence of Reginald - Short Story The Innocence of Reginald 1888 - Reginald slid a carnation of the newest shade into the buttonhole of his latest lounge coat, and surveyed the result… ... Read more
  • The Interlopers - Short Story The Interlopers 1888 - In a forest of mixed growth somewhere on the eastern spurs of the Karpathians, a man stood one winter night… ... Read more
  • The Jesting of Arlington Stringham - Short Story The Jesting of Arlington Stringham 1888 - Arlington Stringham made a joke in the House of Commons. It was a thin House, and a very thin joke;… ... Read more
  • The Lost Sanjak - Short Story The Lost Sanjak 1888 - The prison Chaplain entered the condemned's cell for the last time, to give such consolation as he might. "The only… ... Read more
  • The Lull - Short Story The Lull 1888 - I've asked Latimer Springfield to spend Sunday with us and stop the night," announced Mrs. Durmot at the breakfast-table. "I… ... Read more
  • The Lumber Room - Short Story The Lumber Room 1888 - The children were to be driven, as a special treat, to the sands at Jagborough. Nicholas was not to be… ... Read more
  • The Mappined Life - Short Story The Mappined Life 1888 - "These Mappin Terraces at the Zoological Gardens are a great improvement on the old style of wild-beast cage," said Mrs.… ... Read more
  • The Match-Maker - Short Story The Match-Maker 1888 - The grill-room clock struck eleven with the respectful unobtrusiveness of one whose mission in life is to be ignored. When… ... Read more
  • The Mouse - Short Story The Mouse 1888 - THEODORIC VOLER HAD been brought up, from infancy to the confines of middle age, by a fond mother whose chief… ... Read more
  • The Music on the Hill - Short Story The Music on the Hill 1888 - Sylvia Seltoun ate her breakfast in the morning-room at Yessney with a pleasant sense of ultimate victory, such as a… ... Read more
  • The Name-Day - Short Story The Name-Day 1888 - Adventures, according to the proverb, are to the adventurous. Quite as often they are to the non- adventurous, to the… ... Read more
  • The Occasional Garden - Short Story The Occasional Garden 1888 - "Don't talk to me about town gardens," said Elinor Rapsley; "which means, of course, that I want you to listen… ... Read more
  • The Open Window - Short Story The Open Window 1888 - "My aunt will be down presently, Mr. Nuttel," said a very self-possessed young lady of fifteen; "in the meantime you… ... Read more
  • The Oversight - Short Story The Oversight 1888 - "It's like a Chinese puzzle," said Lady Prowche resentfully, staring at a scribbled list of names that spread over two… ... Read more
  • The Peace of Mowsle Barton - Short Story The Peace of Mowsle Barton 1888 - Crefton Lockyer sat at his ease, an ease alike of body and soul, in the little patch of ground, half-orchard… ... Read more
  • The Peace Offering - Short Story The Peace Offering 1888 - "I want you to help me in getting up a dramatic entertainment of some sort," said the Baroness to Clovis.… ... Read more
  • The Pennance - Short Story The Pennance 1888 - Octavian Ruttle was one of those lively cheerful individuals on whom amiability had set its unmistakable stamp, and, like most… ... Read more
  • The Phantom Luncheon - Short Story The Phantom Luncheon 1888 - "The Smithly-Dubbs are in Town," said Sir James. "I wish you would show them some attention. Ask them to lunch… ... Read more
  • The Philanthropist and the Happy Cat - Short Story The Philanthropist and the Happy Cat 1888 - Jocantha Bessbury was in the mood to be serenely and graciously happy. Her world was a pleasant place, and it… ... Read more
  • The Purple of the Balkan Kings - Short Story The Purple of the Balkan Kings 1888 - Luitpold Wolkenstein, financier and diplomat on a small, obtrusive, self- important scale, sat in his favoured cafe in the world-wise… ... Read more
  • The Quest - Short Story The Quest 1888 - An unwonted peace hung over the Villa Elsinore, broken, however, at frequent intervals, by clamorous lamentations suggestive of bewildered bereavement.… ... Read more
  • The Quince Tree - Short Story The Quince Tree 1888 - "I've just been to see old Betsy Mullen," announced Vera to her aunt, Mrs. Bebberly Cumble; "she seems in rather… ... Read more
  • The Recessional - Short Story The Recessional 1888 - Clovis sat in the hottest zone but two of a Turkish bath, alternately inert in statuesque contemplation and rapidly manoeuvring… ... Read more
  • The Remoulding of Groby Lington - Short Story The Remoulding of Groby Lington 1888 - "A man is known by the company he keeps." In the morning-room of his sister-in-law's house Groby Lington fidgeted away… ... Read more
  • The Reticence of Lady Anne - Short Story The Reticence of Lady Anne 1890 - Egbert came into the large, dimly lit drawing-room with the air of a man who is not certain whether he… ... Read more
  • The Romancers - Short Story The Romancers 1888 - It was autumn in London, that blessed season between the harshness of winter and the insincerities of summer; a trustful… ... Read more
  • The Saint and the Goblin - Short Story The Saint and the Goblin 1888 - The little stone Saint occupied a retired niche in a side aisle of the old cathedral. No one quite remembered… ... Read more
  • The Schartz-Metterklume Method - Short Story The Schartz-Metterklume Method 1888 - Lady Carlotta stepped out on to the platform of the small wayside station and took a turn or two up… ... Read more
  • The Secret Sin of Septimus Brope - Short Story The Secret Sin of Septimus Brope 1888 - "Who and what is Mr. Brope?" demanded the aunt of Clovis suddenly. Mrs. Riversedge, who had been snipping off the… ... Read more
  • The Seven Cream Jugs - Short Story The Seven Cream Jugs 1888 - "I suppose we shall never see Wilfred Pigeoncote here now that he has become heir to the baronetcy and to… ... Read more
  • The Seventh Pullet - Short Story The Seventh Pullet 1888 - "It's not the daily grind that I complain of," said Blenkinthrope resentfully; "it's the dull grey sameness of my life… ... Read more
  • The Sex That Doesn't Shop - Short Story The Sex That Doesn’t Shop 1888 - The opening of a large new centre for West End shopping, particularly feminine shopping, suggests the reflection, Do women ever… ... Read more
  • The She-Wolf - Short Story The She-Wolf 1888 - Leonard Bilsiter was one of those people who have failed to find this world attractive or interesting, and who have… ... Read more
  • The Sheep - Short Story The Sheep 1888 - The enemy had declared "no trumps." Rupert played out his ace and king of clubs and cleared the adversary of… ... Read more
  • The Soul of Laploshka - Short Story The Soul of Laploshka 1888 - Laploshka was one of the meanest men I have ever met, and quite one of the most entertaining. He said… ... Read more
  • The Stake - Short Story The Stake 1888 - "Ronnie is a great trial to me," said Mrs. Attray plaintively. "Only eighteen years old last February and already a… ... Read more
  • The Stalled Ox - Short Story The Stalled Ox 1888 - Theophil Eshley was an artist by profession, a cattle painter by force of environment. It is not to be supposed… ... Read more
  • The Stampeding of Lady Bastable - Short Story The Stampeding of Lady Bastable 1888 - "It would be rather nice if you would put Clovis up for another six days while I go up north… ... Read more
  • The Story of St. Vespaluus - Short Story The Story of St. Vespaluus 1888 - "Tell me a story," said the Baroness, staring out despairingly at the rain; it was that light, apologetic sort of… ... Read more
  • The Storyteller - Short Story The Storyteller 1888 - It was a hot afternoon, and the railway carriage was correspondingly sultry, and the next stop was at Templecombe, nearly… ... Read more
  • The Strategist - Short Story The Strategist 1888 - Mrs. Jallatt's young people's parties were severely exclusive; it came cheaper that way, because you could ask fewer to them.… ... Read more
  • The Talking-Out of Tarrington - Short Story The Talking-Out of Tarrington 1888 - "Heavens!" exclaimed the aunt of Clovis, "here's some one I know bearing down on us. I can't remember his name,… ... Read more
  • The Threat - Short Story The Threat 1888 - Sir Lulworth Quayne sat in the lounge of his favourite restaurant, the Gallus Bankiva, discussing the weaknesses of the world… ... Read more
  • The Toys of Peace - Short Story The Toys of Peace 1919 - "Harvey," said Eleanor Bope, handing her brother a cutting from a London morning paper of the 19th of March, "just… ... Read more
  • The Treasure-Ship - Short Story The Treasure-Ship 1888 - The great galleon lay in semi-retirement under the sand and weed and water of the northern bay where the fortune… ... Read more