Black and white Photo of Author Elia W. Peattie (1862 - 1935)

Elia W. Peattie

1935 (aged 73)

Elia W. Peattie

Elia W. Peattie was an author who primarily wrote in .

Elia Wilkinson Peattie (1862–1935) was an American author known for her novels, short stories, and journalism. Her works often explored themes of social justice, women’s rights, and everyday life. Peattie’s contributions to American literature and her progressive views made her a notable figure in her time.

Short Stories written by Elia W. Peattie

  • A Child of the Rain - Short Story A Child of the Rain 1894 - IT was the night that Mona Meeks, the dressmaker, told him she didn't love him. He couldn't believe it at… ... Read more
  • A Grammatical Ghost - Short Story A Grammatical Ghost 1894 - THERE was only one possible objection to the drawing-room, and that was the occasional presence of Miss Carew; and only… ... Read more
  • A Lady of Yesterday - Short Story A Lady of Yesterday 1894 - "A LIGHT wind blew from the gates of the sun," the morning she first walked down the street of the… ... Read more
  • A Michigan Man - Short Story A Michigan Man 1894 - A PINE forest is nature's expression of solemnity and solitude. Sunlight, rivers, cascades, people, music, laughter, or dancing could not… ... Read more
  • A Mountain Woman - Short Story A Mountain Woman 1894 - IF Leroy Brainard had not had such a respect for literature, he would have written a book. As it was,… ... Read more
  • A Resuscitation - Short Story A Resuscitation 1894 - AFTER being dead twenty years, he walked out into the sunshine. It was as if the bones of a bleached… ... Read more
  • A Spectral Collie - Short Story A Spectral Collie 1894 - WILLIAM PERCY CECIL happened to be a younger son, so he left home -- which was England -- and went… ... Read more
  • An Astral Onion - Short Story An Astral Onion 1894 - WHEN Tig Braddock came to Nora Finnegan he was red-headed and freckled, and, truth to tell, he remained with these… ... Read more
  • From the Loom of the Dead - Short Story From the Loom of the Dead 1894 - WHEN Urda Bjarnason tells a tale all the men stop their talking to listen, for they know her to be… ... Read more
  • How Christmas Came to the Santa Maria Flats - Short Story How Christmas Came to the Santa Maria Flats 1894 - There were twenty-six flat children, and none of them had ever been flat children until that year. Previously they had… ... Read more
  • Jim Lancy's Waterloo - Short Story Jim Lancy’s Waterloo 1894 - "WE must get married before time to put in crops," he wrote. "We must make a success of the farm… ... Read more
  • On the Northern Ice - Short Story On the Northern Ice 1894 - THE winter nights up at Sault Ste. Marie are as white and luminous as the Milky Way. The silence which… ... Read more
  • Story of an Obstinate Corpse - Short Story Story of an Obstinate Corpse 1894 - VIRGIL HOYT is a photographer's assistant up at St. Paul, and enjoys his work without being consumed by it. He… ... Read more
  • Story of the Vanishing Patient - Short Story Story of the Vanishing Patient 1894 - THERE had always been strange stories about the house, but it was a sensible, comfortable sort of a neighborhood, and… ... Read more
  • The House That Was Not - Short Story The House That Was Not 1894 - BART FLEMING took his bride out to his ranch on the plains when she was but seventeen years old, and… ... Read more
  • The Piano Next Door - Short Story The Piano Next Door 1894 - BABETTE had gone away for the summer; the furniture was in its summer linens; the curtains were down, and Babette's… ... Read more
  • The Room of the Evil Thought - Short Story The Room of the Evil Thought 1894 - THEY called it the room of the Evil Thought. It was really the pleasantest room in the house, and when… ... Read more
  • The Shape of Fear - Short Story The Shape of Fear 1894 - TIM O'CONNOR -- who was descended from the O'Conors with one N -- started life as a poet and an… ... Read more
  • The Three Johns - Short Story The Three Johns 1894 - THE equinoctial line itself is not more imaginary than the line which divided the estates of the three Johns. The… ... Read more
  • Their Dear Little Ghost - Short Story Their Dear Little Ghost 1894 - THE first time one looked at Elsbeth, one was not prepossessed. She was thin and brown, her nose turned slightly… ... Read more
  • Two Pioneers - Short Story Two Pioneers 1894 - IT was the year of the small-pox. The Pawnees had died in their cold tepees by the fifties, the soldiers… ... Read more
  • Up the Gulch - Short Story Up the Gulch 1894 - "GO West?" sighed Kate. "Why, yes! I'd like to go West." She looked at the babies, who were playing on… ... Read more