Black and white Photo of Author Edward Payson Roe (1838 - 1888)

Edward Payson Roe

1888 (aged 50)
Genre ,

Edward Payson Roe

Edward Payson Roe was an author who primarily wrote in .

Edward Payson Roe (1838–1888) was an American novelist known for his popular novels that often featured romantic and moral themes. His works, including “Barriers Burned Away” and “He Fell in Love with His Wife,” appealed to readers in the late 19th century and were widely read for their sentimental and moral content.

Short Stories written by Edward Payson Roe

  • A Brave Little Quakeress - Short Story A Brave Little Quakeress 1858 - A Tradition of the Revolution Not very far from the Highlands of the Hudson, but at a considerable distance from… ... Read more
  • A Christmas-Eve Suit - Short Story A Christmas-Eve Suit 1902 - The Christmas holidays had come, and with them a welcome vacation for Hedley Marstern. Although as yet a briefless young… ... Read more
  • A Native Author Called Roe - Short Story A Native Author Called Roe 1858 - An Autobiography Two or three years ago the editor of "Lippincott's Magazine" asked me, with many others, to take part… ... Read more
  • An Unexpected Result - Short Story An Unexpected Result 1858 - "Jack, she played with me deliberately, heartlessly. I can never forgive her." "In that case, Will, I congratulate you. Such… ... Read more
  • Caught on the Ebb-Tide - Short Story Caught on the Ebb-Tide 1858 - The August morning was bright and fair, but Herbert Scofield's brow was clouded. He had wandered off to a remote… ... Read more
  • Christmas Eve in War Times - Short Story Christmas Eve in War Times 1902 - It was the beginning of a battle. The skirmish line of the Union advance was sweeping rapidly over a rough… ... Read more
  • Jeff's Treasure - Short Story Jeff’s Treasure 1858 - Chapter I. Its Discovery Jeff, the hero of my tale, was as truly a part of the Southern Confederacy as… ... Read more
  • Queen of Spades - Short Story Queen of Spades 1858 - "Mother," remarked Farmer Banning, discontentedly, "Susie is making a long visit." "She is coming home next week," said his cheery… ... Read more
  • Susie Rolliffe's Christmas - Short Story Susie Rolliffe’s Christmas 1902 - Picnicking in December would be a dreary experience even if one could command all the appliances of comfort which outdoor… ... Read more
  • Three Thanksgiving Kisses - Short Story Three Thanksgiving Kisses 1902 - It was the day before Thanksgiving. The brief cloudy November afternoon was fast merging into early twilight. The trees, now… ... Read more