Black and white Photo of Author Edna Ferber (1885 - 1968)

Edna Ferber

1968 (aged 83)
Genre ,

Edna Ferber

Edna Ferber was an author who primarily wrote in .

Edna Ferber (1885–1968) was an American author and playwright known for her novels and plays that often depicted American life and cultural changes. Her notable works include “So Big” and “Show Boat,” the latter co-written with composer Jerome Kern. Ferber’s storytelling contributed to the cultural and literary landscape of the 20th century.

Short Stories written by Edna Ferber

  • A Bush League Hero - Short Story A Bush League Hero 1922 - This is not a baseball story. The grandstand does not rise as one man and shout itself hoarse with joy.… ... Read more
  • Farmer in the Dell - Short Story Farmer in the Dell 1922 - Old Ben Westerveld was taking it easy. Every muscle taut, every nerve tense, his keen eyes vainly straining to pierce… ... Read more
  • Long Distance - Short Story Long Distance 1922 - Chet Ball was painting a wooden chicken yellow. The wooden chicken was mounted on a six-by-twelve board. The board was… ... Read more
  • Maymeys from Cuba - Short Story Maymeys from Cuba 1922 - There is nothing new in this. It has all been done before. But tell me, what is new? Does the… ... Read more
  • One of the Old Girls - Short Story One of the Old Girls 1922 - All of those ladies who end their conversation with you by wearily suggesting that you go down to the basement… ... Read more
  • Sun Dried - Short Story Sun Dried 1922 - There come those times in the life of every woman when she feels that she must wash her hair at… ... Read more
  • That Home-Town Feeling - Short Story That Home-Town Feeling 1922 - We all have our ambitions. Mine is to sit in a rocking-chair on the sidewalk at the corner of Clark… ... Read more
  • That's Marriage - Short Story That’s Marriage 1922 - Theresa Platt (she had been Terry Sheehan) watched her husband across the breakfast table with eyes that smoldered. But Orville… ... Read more
  • The Frog and the Puddle - Short Story The Frog and the Puddle 1922 - Any one who has ever written for the magazines (nobody could devise a more sweeping opening; it includes the iceman… ... Read more
  • The Gay Old Dog - Short Story The Gay Old Dog 1922 - Those of you who have dwelt--or even lingered--in Chicago, Illinois, are familiar with the region known as the Loop. For… ... Read more
  • The Homely Heroine - Short Story The Homely Heroine 1922 - Millie Whitcomb, of the fancy goods and notions, beckoned me with her finger. I had been standing at Kate O'Malley's… ... Read more
  • The Kitchen Side of the Door - Short Story The Kitchen Side of the Door 1922 - The City was celebrating New Year's Eve. Spelled thus, with a capital C, know it can mean but New York.… ... Read more
  • The Leading Lady - Short Story The Leading Lady 1922 - The leading lady lay on her bed and wept. Not as you have seen leading ladies weep, becomingly, with eyebrows… ... Read more
  • The Man Who Came Back - Short Story The Man Who Came Back 1922 - There are two ways of doing battle against Disgrace. You may live it down; or you may run away from… ... Read more
  • The Maternal Feminine - Short Story The Maternal Feminine 1922 - Called upon to describe Aunt Sophy, you would have to coin a term or fall back on the dictionary definition… ... Read more
  • The Woman Who Tried to Be Good - Short Story The Woman Who Tried to Be Good 1922 - Before she tried to be a good woman she had been a very bad woman--so bad that she could trail… ... Read more
  • Un Morso doo Pang - Short Story Un Morso doo Pang 1922 - When you are twenty you do not patronize sunsets unless you are unhappy, in love, or both. Tessie Golden was… ... Read more
  • What She Wore - Short Story What She Wore 1922 - Somewhere in your story you must pause to describe your heroine's costume. It is a ticklish task. The average reader… ... Read more
  • Where the Car Turns at 18th - Short Story Where the Car Turns at 18th 1922 - This will be a homing pigeon story. Though I send it ever so far--though its destination be the office of… ... Read more