Black and white Photo of Author Alice Dunbar-Nelson (1875 - 1935)

Alice Dunbar-Nelson

1935 (aged 60)
Genre ,

Alice Dunbar-Nelson

Alice Dunbar-Nelson was an author who primarily wrote in .

Alice Dunbar-Nelson (1875–1935) was an African American poet, journalist, and activist. Her writings explored themes of race, gender, and social justice. Dunbar-Nelson’s poetry and essays, including “Violets and Other Tales,” contributed to the Harlem Renaissance and the fight for civil rights.

Short Stories written by Alice Dunbar-Nelson

  • A Carnival Jangle - Short Story A Carnival Jangle 1900 - There is a merry jangle of bells in the air, an all-pervading sense of jester's noise, and the flaunting vividness… ... Read more
  • By the Bayou St. John - Short Story By the Bayou St. John 1900 - The Bayou St. John slowly makes its dark-hued way through reeds and rushes, high banks and flat slopes, until it… ... Read more
  • La Juanita - Short Story La Juanita 1900 - If you never lived in Mandeville, you cannot appreciate the thrill of wholesome, satisfied joy which sweeps over its inhabitants… ... Read more
  • Little Miss Sophie - Short Story Little Miss Sophie 1900 - When Miss Sophie knew consciousness again, the long, faint, swelling notes of the organ were dying away in distant echoes… ... Read more
  • M'sieu Fortier's Violin - Short Story M’sieu Fortier’s Violin 1900 - Slowly, one by one, the lights in the French Opera go out, until there is but a single glimmer of… ... Read more
  • Mr. Baptiste - Short Story Mr. Baptiste 1900 - He might have had another name; we never knew. Some one had christened him Mr. Baptiste long ago in the… ... Read more
  • Odalie - Short Story Odalie 1900 - Now and then Carnival time comes at the time of the good Saint Valentine, and then sometimes it comes as… ... Read more
  • Sister Josepha - Short Story Sister Josepha 1900 - Sister Josepha told her beads mechanically, her fingers numb with the accustomed exercise. The little organ creaked a dismal "O… ... Read more
  • The Fisherman of Pass Christian - Short Story The Fisherman of Pass Christian 1900 - The swift breezes on the beach at Pass Christian meet and conflict as though each strove for the mastery of… ... Read more
  • The Goodness of Saint Rocque - Short Story The Goodness of Saint Rocque 1900 - Manuela was tall and slender and graceful, and once you knew her the lithe form could never be mistaken. She… ... Read more
  • The Praline Woman - Short Story The Praline Woman 1900 - The praline woman sits by the side of the Archbishop's quaint little old chapel on Royal Street, and slowly waves… ... Read more
  • Titee - Short Story Titee 1900 - It was cold that day. The great sharp north-wind swept out Elysian Fields Street in blasts that made men shiver,… ... Read more
  • Tony's Wife - Short Story Tony’s Wife 1900 - "Gimme fi' cents worth o' candy, please." It was the little Jew girl who spoke, and Tony's wife roused herself… ... Read more
  • When the Bayou Overflows - Short Story When the Bayou Overflows 1900 - When the sun goes down behind the great oaks along the Bayou Teche near Franklin, it throws red needles of… ... Read more