Black and white Photo of Author Alexander Kielland (1849 - 1906)

Alexander Kielland

1906 (aged 57)
Genre ,

Alexander Kielland

Alexander Kielland was a author who primarily wrote in .

Alexander Kielland (1849–1906) was a Norwegian author and playwright known for his novels and social critique. His works, including “Garman & Worse” and “Skipper Worse,” examined societal issues and the complexities of human relationships. Kielland’s contributions to Norwegian literature made him a significant literary figure.

Short Stories written by Alexander Kielland

  • A Dinner - Short Story A Dinner 1896 - There was a large dinner-party at the merchant's. The judge had made a speech in honour of the home-coming of… ... Read more
  • A Tale of the Sea - Short Story A Tale of the Sea 1896 - Once there lay in a certain haven a large number of vessels. They had lain there very long, not exactly… ... Read more
  • Old Dances - Short Story Old Dances 1896 - We really strove honestly, swung ourselves and swung our ladies, although many were stiff enough to get round. We were… ... Read more
  • Two Friends - Short Story Two Friends 1879 - No one could understand where he got his money from. But the person who marvelled most at the dashing and… ... Read more